It is never too late to forgive what you judged.
It is never too late to heal what you feel.
It is never too late to speak your mind.
It is never too late to remember to be kind.
It is never too late to return what is not yours.
It is never too late to love again.
It is never too late to say "thanks" to a friend.
It is never too late to say "good bye".
It is never too late to let yourself cry.
It is never too late to answer the call.
It is never too late to say, "That's all!"
It is never too late to truly let go.
It is never too late to learn to say "No".
It is never too late to let your heart lead.
It is never too late to find what you need.
It is never too late to live what is true.
It is never too late to be the real you.
It is never too late to know what you seek.
It is never too late to have inner peace.
It is never too late.
Time is the illusion we have chosen in which to wander away from fully living each day.
Time is the stretching out of our eternal moment in which to explore possibilities galore.
Time is our choice to freely give voice to what might help us find our very own mind.
Time is a place to join the human race and make up what's "real" with all we feel.
And when we find ourselves in the place just right, there is no difference in day or in night.
When we are fully in alignment with all we know and can be, it is only this which we can see.
Present moment living, without beginning or end, just happens, when we are being our very best friend.
We know God and Good when we are being all we can be, the Godness and Goodness in which we are free.
It is never too late to listen to your heart.
It is never too late in this place and time you can start.
Listen within and you will find….The One you have been seeking to heal and be kind.
Dear Ones, Begin again now.
Each day and each hour is the opportunity to have the powerful gift of NOW.
Loving you,
Betty Lue
All fear ends when you know your inner friend.
Call me for a little coaching time to learn to listen to the true you.
You can find your way again by owning and honoring the wisdom in you.
God is smiling