What can I do? I can be willing.
What can I do? I can be happy.
What can I do? I can learn.
When I am not willing to undo everything that is not true and whole and Loving, I am stuck with untruth.
When I am not willing to give my very best, I get stuck with less than the best.
When I am not willing to support others where they are in need, I get stuck feeling unsupported.
When I am not willing to accept others as they are, I am stuck not feeling accepted as I am.
When I am unwilling to play my part, there is an incompletion in what is given.
When I am not willing to contribute and participate, there is a lack of energy, wisdom and love.
When I am unhappy, I create more unhappiness.
When I am unhappy, I justify and teach unhappiness.
When I am unhappy, I am not creative.
When I am unhappy, I focus on what is wrong.
When I am unhappy, I seek to find fault.
When I am unhappy, I get stuck in my emotions.
When I am unhappy, I feel limited, lacking, lost and alone.
When I am not learning, I miss out.
When I am not learning, I am shutting down.
When I am not learning, I limit myself.
When I am not learning, I go backwards.
When I am not learning, I am stuck.
When I am not learning, I think I know it all.
When I am not learning, I am not fully alive.
I am willing to be willing.
I am willing to be happy.
I am willing to learn.
I choose to be a happy willing learner.
Learning comes easily for me when I am happy and willing.
Life is fun, safe and easy when I judge nothing I am learning.
I enjoy my life when I am a happy willing learner.
Nothing is resisted when I am a happy willing learner.
I see all life experiences as blessing and gifts when I am happy and willing to learn.
No matter what happens I prefer to be a happy willing learner.
When I don't know what to be or do, I can choose to be a happy willing learner.
Loving me and learning easily,
Betty Lue