We are leaving on an 8 day excursion through the Southwest with Robert’s Mom and tour group.
My intention is to write to you everyday a Loving Reminder ....however, some hotel internet providers will not allow my group messages to be sent, so please check my lovingreminders.org website for the daily blog and archived reminders. Know I am loving you always, there is no separation or lack except in our thoughts. Will return on 6/24 with delight. I can and will pick up email as often as I have access.
Please call 800-919-2392 voicemail or 925-324-2409 to leave important messages. I will be able to do consulting from the road in the evening or early morning from our hotel rooms. The Power of Love is in the quality of your natural Joy and inner Peace.
Betty Lue
Respect, Responsibility and Cooperation
If I am not experiencing others keeping their agreements with me, I must look at my willingness to continue keeping my agreements with myself and others.
To break a promise to myself is to disrespect myself and my own needs.
To forsake my own agreements with me to honor agreements with another is to diminish my self.
To set myself aside for the sake of others is to lose faith and confidence with myself.
My self esteem is diminished both in my own eyes and on a subtle level with others, as well.
Therefore to raise other's respect, responsibility and cooperation, I must become impeccable in keeping my agreements with myself.
The more I love, honor and respect myself, the more others love, honor and respect me.
The more I love, honor and respect myself, the more I Love honor and respect others.
The more I love, honor and respect myself, the more others love honor and respect themselves.
The more I love, honor and respect myself, the more others love, honor and respect others.
And so it is….All good things begin within me.
So as I see the world and its people lose faith and act with disrespect, irresponsibility and conflict, I must go within to my own integrity. And it is there I can see and acknowledge, forgive and allow, receive insight and affirm, accept and appreciate my own healing.
Yes, we all are being influenced everyday by our culture, our leaders, our childhood and our historical perspective.
The values and mores of a culture are passed on unconsciously without conscious ill intention, regardless of their intrinsic value for society.
There is only one place we can actively heal what is sick.
There is only one place we can control what has gone awry.
There is only one place we can correct what is in error.
Within myself, I find the source of disintegration and disease.
Within myself I find the solution for creating renewed integrity and wellness.
Today I take full responsibility for honoring what I know within me to be in integrity.
Today I choose to see and undo all that is not true.
Today I will accept my part in the plan for salvation.
Today I choose to respect my whole and holy self.
Today I will be responsible for keeping my agreement to love me and you well.
Today I am cooperation with all parts of my being for the Greater Good.
Within me is all the Universe.
Within me I can find my Self or lose my Self.
I can strengthen myself of weaken myself.
I can enlighten myself or endarken myself.
I can heal myself or cause dis-ease in myself.
I am willing to love, honor and respect myself.
I am willing to love me perfectly that I might teach my world to Love perfectly,
Betty Lue