No more idle chatter please.
No more sounds of disharmony and discord.
No more judging and fearful thoughts shared.
No more giving false evidence to our miscreations.
What would happen if you stopped talking just to talk?
What would happen if you simply lived in silence?
What would happen if you sat quietly with a loved one?
What would happen if you shared a meal without words?
What would happen if you only spoke words of affirmation?
What would happen if you only shared prayers of praise?
What would happen if you only used your mind for glorious creation?
What would happen if you only sang songs of joy and peace and love?
I know the peace that comes from being quiet.
I know the love I feel when I sit in prayer.
I know the bliss of a mind filled with inspired creation.
I know how life unfolds when Goodness is what we share.
We are awakened by practicing living in Love.
We are encouraged by speaking words of Kindness.
We are inspired by sharing dreams of healing and Wholeness.
We are healed by forgiving all mis-takes, yours, mine and ours.
Our holy work is to live in faith.
Our sacred lives are to be given in full appreciation.
Our healing words are to be a balm of creative peace.
Our expansive heart/mind is our song of prayer.
You know when your story is being told another time. Enough already!
You know when the idea is old, being said just to fill the space.
You know when there is nothing that needs to be said, so be still.
You know when there are too many words.
You know when you are seeking approval.
You know when you are trying to impress.
You know when you have no clue about your intention.
You know when there is only love and gratitude to be shared.
So let me say..with many words and none at all,
I love You.
I see you Healed and Whole and Holy.
I know we are One Family, here to sing in celebration.
I value our glorious creations of Goodness, Beauty and Love.
Bless us All, Every One, as the Only One,
Betty Lue