Tuesday, December 28, 2004


What music fills your soul?
What sights please your senses?
What natural beauty do you most enjoy?
What food feeds your Being as well as your body?
What people lift your Spirits with their Presence?
What loving work do you most value and feel energized by doing?

Each one of us has a right place to be.
Each one us has a wholly purpose and sacred work to do.
Each one of us has a lifestyle that totally nurtures our mind, body and Spirit.
Each one of us has a spiritual family with whom we feel safe and healed and whole.

When I find myself within a carnival environment, I am not at home.
When I find myself with people talking like they were in a cabaret, I am not at peace.
When I find myself doing what is not my calling, I feel awkward and uncomfortable.
When I find myself eating foods that are traditional, I feel bloated and clogged.
When I find myself in place that is too gloomy or arid, I feel like I am on the moon.

“When we find our place just right, we will live in the valley of Love and De Light.”

Where would you feel most at home?
Where would you be most free to be yourself?
How would you live if you gave yourself what you really want?
In another time (historical or in fantasy ),or with unlimited opportunities, where would you be at home?
With all options available, who are the people who feel most like the family of your heart?
What is the work you can imagine yourself doing that would feel like play and be totally fulfilling?

Often it is only in contrasting experiences that we uncover and discover what resonates with our soul.
It is often with dissonance that we find we do not belong where we are.
It is sometimes with divorce or being fired or evicted that we stop and look at what is true for us.
If we don’t look within and ask ourselves what is highest and best, we may not get the message.

I clearly would be a cleric, a monk or mystic, a spiritual sojourner, in another time or life.
I clearly prefer silence or meaningful conversation focused on what benefits or uplifts.
I clearly prefer eating simply, naturally, mostly raw and organically with the same foods daily.
I clearly prefer simple, beautiful and orderly surroundings which I can mange with a minimum of effort.
I prefer to spend my time creating beauty and goodness with words, images, space and people.
I prefer to be with people who are respectful, kind and appreciative of themselves and others.
I prefer to live in a way which models the highest values of stewardship, generosity and happiness.
I prefer being alone or engaging with people in ways which are healing, inspiring and growthful for all.
Being authentic is the only when I can live and be happy and whole.

I encourage you to choose what resonates with you.
I invite you to explore the full range of possibilities. I believe there is no right or wrong, unless you are going against your own grain and causing yourself pain.
Would you prefer a life more adventuresome, playful, bawdy, competitive, game-playing, simple?
Would you prefer to be with people who are into cars or money or fame?
Are you called to live among the rich and the famous, or the impoverished and downtrodden?
Are you called to paint, to write, to dream, to travel, to move, to be free, to move?
Are you called to be more with children or with Seniors or with movers and shakers?
Are you called to dance through life or sit in a rocking chair?
Are you called to be with people who laugh and joke or people who are quiet and contemplative?
Are you called to serve or be served, to separate or to connect?
Are you called to be more Spirit guided, more worldly, more risk-taking, more giving?

Find what resonates with you and you will find your place just right!
PS: You will know by how happy, peaceful and at home you feel.

Loving you,
Betty Lue