If you want your friendships to improve, it is up to you.
If you want more freedom, it is up to you.
If you want to have happy holidays, it is up to you.
If you want to spend less money, it is up to you.
If you want more fun, it is up to you.
If you want better health, it is up to you.
If you want more wealth, it is up to you.
If you want more love, it is up to you.
If you want a better job, it is up to you.
If you want more respect, it is up to you.
Really! This is true.
Why would we ever think someone else is responsible for our health, happiness, wealth and respect?
How could we ever believe, more freedom, friendship, fun and love are dependent on others?
Because we learned from our parents, they are responsible for everything.
When parents believe they are responsible for their child’s happiness, the child assumes this is true.
When parents believe they are responsible for their kid’s grades, the child assumes this is true.
When parents believe they are responsible for their child’s wellbeing, the child assumes parents are responsible.
Yes, there is parental responsibility.
Parents are responsible for the safety, security and socialization of their children.
Parents are responsible for giving their children messages which children believe are true.
Messages of “You can’t. You are not capable. You are not loveable. You are an irritating, complaining child. You are stupid. You are sick all the time. You are so moody. You are such a difficult child. You are especially needy. You are easily upset. You make me so mad. I just hate you when you act…..”
Grownup children are responsible for letting go of the mistaken messages passed on for generations.
We are responsible for deleting from our mental computer any message which is not good for us.
We are responsible for ourselves.
In order to be free, we must be responsible.
In order to be happy, we must be responsible.
In order to be wealthy, we must be responsible.
In order to spend less money and have more fun, we must be responsible.
In order to attract long lasting, loving and respectful relationships we must be responsible.
In order to experience more love and respect, we must take responsibility.
In order to be healthier and have a better job, we must be responsible.
Criticizing and blaming won’t work.
Waiting for someone else, won’t work.
Whining and complaining won’t work.
Manipulating and convincing won’t work.
Lying, cheating and stealing won’t work.
Begging and pleading won’t work.
Getting sick and tired won’t work.
Being responsible for yourself and your whole life always works!
Loving you,
Betty Lue