When you are sick, return to love.
When you are resentful, return to love.
When you are lonely, return to love.
When you are grieving, return to love.
When you are hurt, return to love.
When you are misunderstood, return to love.
When you are judged, return to love.
When you are betrayed, return to love.
Love is your natural state.
When you are in love you will understand and be healed.
When you are in love you will see the gift and be blessed.
When you are in love, will you know the need and be able to respond.
When you are in love you will know the Peace of God.
When you are in love, you will keep on giving.
The only mistake we ever make is when we forget to Love.
Whatever the need, Love is the way.
Loving you,
Betty Lue
PS No more email problems. Thanks for your Love and mine.
Whatever the problem or question, Love is the solution.
Remember, LOVE is TRUST and FREEDOM.