What keeps us from letting go?
We learn to be afraid of what is new and unknown.
We think we need to be in control.
We choose to follow paths travelled by others.
We listen to outside authority.
We make it up that we must see the destination before we take the path.
Yes, our history shapes us.
If you like the shape, trust it is yours.
If you don’t like the shape, let it go with respect.
Where you focus gives you direction.
To focus on the past, keeps you looking back.
You probably are missing the signs along the way.
To focus on the future (often with anxiety and fear), you may be busy being careful to not make the mistakes of the past in the future. You may miss what life is showing you right now.
Your vision of your new life will help change your mind.
Your imagination will open the doors of possibility and bring hope.
Your forgiveness of the past will clear future obstacles and resistance.
Your affirmation of yourself and your happiness will invite creativity, freedom and joy.
How will you create your new life to be?
How will you love and respect yourself?
How will you sing and dance talk and share?
How will you live and give?
How will you love and laugh when you begin life brand new?
What do you need to let go of to begin again?
This season is a perfect time to plow under the past failed crops.
It is also essential to finish the harvest of past blessings with gratitude.
Right now you can choose to daily die to the old and awaken to the new.
The coming spring is the perfect time to plant seeds of hope, faith and Love.
You are a magnificent creation of LOVE!
Appreciate You, love You, honor and respect You.
Always beginning,
Betty Lue