Wherever you go, you leave behind your blessing or your judgment.
What you give, your receive for yourself.
Whomever you meet, there is a healing, a teaching and learning in the encounter.
Where you teach only love, you are healed.
Whatever you do with your energy, you strengthen those qualities within yourself.
Where you focus on caring and sharing, you enhance your relationships.
However you choose to spend your time, energy and resources, you increase what you have expended.
Your values are demonstrated by what you focus your time, energy and money on.
Where you give generously, you increase within your own life.
Where you open the flow of energy, your energy and resources are enhanced.
Remember: Life is for giving and you are the gift.
Give freely of your Love and Love will give to you.
Thank you very much for your many gifts to me.
Keep giving generously.
Your love makes a better world for all of us.
Loving you,
Betty Lue and Robert