Monday, January 19, 2004

Look Beyond the Apparency

Can you see beneath the surface?
Can you see your brother as yourself?
Can you see beyond the skin tone?
Can you feel the same call for love as is in you?
Can you see beneath the anger?
Can you feel the fear and hurt calling for someone to listen and let go?
Can you see beyond the illness?
Can you see the essence, the heart of the being who is created by our Creator?
Can you see beyond the poverty?
Can you feel the same need to provide for one’s family?
Can you see beneath the ignorance?
Can you see the hunger and despair seeking for a better way?
Can you see beyond the immaturity, the emotional displays?
Can you feel the calling of the soul to live, to learn, to love?
Can you see beyond what appears in the personality, the body the behavior?
Can you find within the same Love that lives in you?
Can you call it forth?
Can you sing it lullabies of peace and reassurance?
Can you speak in tones which are safe and gentle?
Can you ask questions which are meaningful?
Can you listen with an open mind?
Can you reach out with a compassionate heart?
Can you give what you have to One who is the same beneath the apparency?

Loving you in loving All,
Betty Lue