In the wee small hours of the morning I find myself in the loft (my new home office space) to get a few hours alone with Spirit. With my Mom, Gia and my daughter in our home, with the settling in of our household, with the holiday events each day, I realize how important it is to me to be quiet, to focus, to listen within, to respond, to be awake, to breathe deep, to be at peace. It is raining and the sound is like music on the roof and skylights above. This is my new sanctuary where I will go to be with God and the Good in All That Is. This is the upper room where the Christ Light is born again in me with Loving Reminders and my responses to You. This is my ascension into the peace that passes understanding.
From the business of the world, I transcend preparation, lists and worldly needs.
I can rest in Love. I can find here all that I truly need.
Spiritual fuel for my daily activities lie in these sacred moments.
I invite you to create a place and time to go within.
I encourage you to have a time of respite and inner peace.
I support you in meditating or walking in nature or taking your long bubble bath.
I urge you to listen to sacred music, to offer a prayer of gratitude daily, to enjoy the sunrise .
For in your peace comes the peace in our world.
Your inner peace extends to other minds.
Your inner peace brings healing.
Your inner peace is gift of Christmas.
Find your peace today. In this is your piece in the puzzle of life. Your peace is essential.
Loving You,
Betty Lue