Everyone in our lives is a gift.
Everyone is part of our sacred assignment.
Everyone represents some part of ourselves, either seeking love or offering love.
Everyone who comes into our lives even for a brief moment is an opportunity to bless and be blessed.
Every person and circumstance we experience is part of our response-ability.
We are on the rescue squad, the volunteer fire department, the parenting team, the spiritual awakening crew.
We are here to share what we have and receive even more than we can imagine.
For each time we reach out with healing forgiveness and loving gratitude it is we who are blessed.
We benefit.
We expand our consciousness.
We learn that giving is receiving.
We recognize the world is safe, when we are safe place.
This is an awesome and wondrous laboratory and projection screen.
What we give is reflected back and often magnified with our joy and appreciation.
What we imagine and conjure up in the inventive department of our minds becomes larger than life in our relationships.
The past experiments “gone wrong” were just a chance to see as a child would, “Woops! Let’s do that differently next time.”
It is time for us to lighten up on ourselves.
It is time to enjoy what comes our way and appreciate the value of every encounter.
It is time to let go of monetary compensation as the leader and let the reality of what is of lasting value be our guide.
It is time to be a friend to everyone, but especially to ourselves.
It is time to give thanks for all that is and know with ourgratitude comes inner peace.
It is time to bless and be blessed with every breath.
There is nothing of special importance. Every moment is important.
When we are awake, it is all important…every person, every situation and every moment.
May you be grateful for the gift of your life which you give to yourself daily.
I am giving thanks,
Betty Lue
Thanking you for living your life with consciousness, responsibility and freedom.