The perfectly imperfect don’t try to be perfect. We let be what is, without judging what isn’t.
There is no need to wish, to cajole, to effort, to fantasize, or to expect, when we let life be.
Whatever happens is always an opportunity to Love, to forgive and choose again, to trust and accept.
Often people disappoint us in order to free themselves from our expectations.
Often people make mistakes in order to test the strength of our Love.
Often people break rules and commitments to challenge our commitment to love unconditionally.
“How much do you love me? “
When we disappoint ourselves, make mistakes, break our promises to ourselves, this too is an opportunity for us to simply see it as 'no problem', to let it go with gentleness and to choose to love ourselves again. We must love ourselves and others, not for what we do, but for simply who we are.
Love does not judge or compare.
Love is not perfectly expressed meeting the needs and expectations of others.
Love does not complain or criticize.
Love simply is the state within us that steadfastly sees the Essence of each Being as precious and worthy of Love.
I love you and me no matter what.
I love myself with mistakes and wrinkles and forgetfulness.
I love you just the same.
When I can love me without condition, without changing my mind…then I can love you just the same.
I know this life is about remembering to love, no matter what we do or don’t do.
I now release all expectations you have for me to be perfect.
I release all expectations I have for you to be perfect.
I love us all as God Loves us, always and forever.
Betty Lue, Loving me and you the same.