Where are you avoiding someone?
Where are you blaming or resentful?
where are you hurting or afraid?
Wherever we are withholding our love, keeping ourselves separate, afraid to meet someone face to face, we are in guilt.
I check out my relationships and where I may have that little twinge of anxiety in my belly when I think about seeing someone, I know there is guilt. It is always a call for healing within me.
Wherever we are criticizing, blaming, judging, or making another wrong, we have guilt within ourselves.
I listen to my own conversation and look for places where “they” are doing something I don’t like.
So how does this “guilt” work?
Wherever we feel guilty, we cast the blame on the other, rather than face our own need to make the correction within. Wherever we feel guilty, we want to get that person, that memory or experience out of our lives so we can stop feeling “Guilt”.
What causes the guilt, when we try so hard to be spiritual and loving?
Whenever we judge another, we feel guilt.
Whenever we are angry with another, we feel guilt.
Whenever we are better or more right than another, we feel guilt.
Whenever we are not in alignment with our spiritual principles, we feel guilt.
Whenever we are not forgiving, we feel guilt.
Whenever we are not patient, kind, honest and generous, we feel guilt.
Whenever we are judging another for mistakes we have made ourselves, we feel guilt.
Whenever we are pretending to be better than others, we feel guilt.
Whenever we have denied another what is asked of us, we feel guilt.
Whenever we have sought revenge or want to get rid of someone, we feel guilt.
Whenever we are not living in freedom and trust, we feel guilt.
whenever we are not giving to another what we would want ourselves, we feel guilt.
Every relationship is a lesson in love…because every relationship is an opportunity to see where we need to heal within.
Healing myself with every relationship.
Betty Lue