Taking a break from everyday life is healing.
Giving your mind a vacation is letting go of ideas, plans, concerns and strategies of everyday living. To vacate means to leave empty. When you step into the unknown, you vacate the known. You open to new vistas, new concepts, and to nothing at all. Rest and renewal come from letting go of the stress and fatigue of a life of worry, judgment and fear.
To take a mental vacation is to cease or suspend thinking stressful thoughts. To take an emotional vacation is to leave behind the resentment, grief, depression and fear or usual limiting emotional patterns.
Take a vacation and be happy and content.
Take a vacation and be peaceful.
Take a vacation and be grateful.
Take a vacation and create what is beautiful and healthy.
Take a physical vacation from your usual patterns of self-neglect or indulgence.
Take a vacation and eat healthy.
Take a vacation and exercise with joy.
Take a vacation and treat your body to massage and fresh air.
Take a vacation and pamper your whole self.
Creativity is found on vacation.
Inspiration is found on vacation.
Possibility if found on vacation.
Opportunities are found on vacation.
Take a vacation from the norm one day a week .
Take a vacation one weekend a month.
Take a vacation one month a year.
Take a vacation one hour a day.
Whatever suits you lifestyle. You can begin today, right where you are. If you need a change of scenery, go to a park or just step outside. You can always take a drive to the mountains, the woods, the coast or a nearby stream or lake. Life is filled with places and opportunities to get away. Keep a list handy of camping sites, bed and breakfast inns or rental cabins or condos. Have the self love to give yourself opportunities to get away. See how much you are nourished, renewed, inspired and healed.
Take a break today. Breathe and enjoy this moment.
Loving you, Betty Lue