Praising God is Good.
Praising Good is God.
The power of praising sets the mind in the direction of Good. The power of gratitude is seeking to look up, to receive, to enjoy, to take in and embrace that which is Highest and Best. Whenever we open our minds to seek and see the best, we have chosen to strengthen that within ourselves. Praising Good enhances the Good we praise in us and in all. There is value to the One giving the praise.
Perhaps giving praise to God and Good is totally for the purpose of changing the mind, the intention, attention and focus of the One praising. Perhaps the healing power of praise is simply to lift our eyes unto the hills and to open our hearts to song.
Those who praise with the fullness of Spirit know the healing power, the freedom, the joy of praise. Give praise and gratitude to All That Is and notice how praise enlightens the mind, lifts your emotions and energizes your body. Praise heals. Give full praise today.
Loving You with a heart that is True B’Lue.