Tuesday, March 25, 2025

What Is Right For You?




I listen within to the Highest Good.

I honor my inner wisdom and knowing.

I trust my inner guidance to know what is Right and Good for me.

I easily release all that is not best for me.

What Is Right For You?

How do you know what is right for you?

Do you follow what others do?

Do you listen to advice from experts?

Do you learn through trial and error?

All paths and possibilities offer information.

All ways lead to learning what is right and true.

All choices will eventually teach us what is right.

All experiences will give us evidence, proof and knowledge.

Some write down their observations along the way.

Some make notes about what they have learned.

Some share with friends, therapists and coaches.

Some just keep doing the same thing over and over.

We may be programmed by what we have heard again and again.

“Once you make your bed, you have to lie in it.”

“Once you start something, it may be too late to turn back.”

“There are crossroads and commitments in life you cannot undo”.

These untruths have carried many to depression, disease and death.

When we cannot find our way out of the traps, agreements and obligations, we may quit on life.

It takes open-mindedness, willingness and courage to undo and correct errors we may have.

We need to clear all limiting beliefs and false programming and choose what is true for us at the time.

No justification or explanation is necessary, when we know some decision is just not right for us.

We need to respect and honor our whole self and our own well-being and choose for what is right.

We must be responsible for and to ourselves in the choices we make.

Only we can choose the path that is highest and best for us.

How do we know what is right?

Learn to listen within to do what is true.

Learn to honor our inner listening and undo what is untrue.

Learn to love ourselves enough to correct our own mistakes.

What is right and true today may no longer be true tomorrow.

What is good for us may not be good, when things change.

Everything changes moment to moment, so we must listen and respond moment to moment.

Life is an invitation to conscious choice, using our inner voice and conscience.

We all know what is right, when we care enough to listen within.

We can do and undo, choose and change our minds, as we wish.

We are here to learn life follows our script, when we can change along the way.

We are capable of learning from everything and everyone with ease and grace.

Loving our learning what is right and true for us.

Betty Lue

Monday, March 24, 2025

Everyday Learning




I learn quickly and easily all I seek to know.

I trust that everything I need to know comes to me with ease and grace.

I am a happy willing learner.

Life is an exquisite teacher of all things for the Greater Good.

Be a Happy Willing Learner!

When we are happy, we learn.

When we are willing, we learn.

When we are open, we learn.

Life is for learning from everything and everyone.

Each relationship is teaching us about ourselves.

Each job, project or endeavor teaches us something.

Each day is an opportunity to learn.

Our life is for learning.

What are you learning?

Are you learning what works for you?

Are you learning what makes you happy?

Are you learning how to love?

Are you learning what helps?

Are you learning what hurts?

Are you learning to forgive?

Are you learning how to correct mistakes?

Are you learning how to achieve?

Are you learning what to give?

Are you learning how to succeed and excel?

Are you learning to get approval?

Are you learning how to seduce and attract?

Are you learning how to win and lose?

Are you learning how to fight to be right?

Are you learning which makes you happy and sad?

Are you learning how to create and enjoy?

Are you learning how to play and not work?

Are you learning how to work and not play?

Are you learning How to master time and energy and resources?

Are you learning what makes you sick and what makes you well?

Are you learning to create an effortless life?

Are you learning to build a strong family and community?

Are you learning how to see things differently?

Are you learning to be more tolerant, patient and trusting?

Are you learning to be more gentle, joyful and faithful?

Are you learning to see, accept and embrace differences?

Are you learning your path to honesty, integrity and respect?

There are infinite ways to learn and unlimited experiences to have.

There is always your happy willingness and open-mindedness from which to enjoy the learning.

Consider how you want to experience life and choose for what is it you want to learn.

Life is for learning and you are the student and guide for your own experience, knowledge and wisdom.

Loving us for our willingness to learn.

Betty Lue

Sunday, March 23, 2025

Stop Self-Sabotage





I choose what is highest and best for me.

I do what feels right and happy for me.

I quickly and easily stop behaviors that are unhealthy.

I keep what is positive and let go of what is negative.

Interrupt Limiting Patterns!

When you see yourself keep repeating the same limiting pattern, STOP!

When you find yourself doing the same unhealthy thing over and over, stop, forgive and choose again.

Stop early and wait for the right and perfect step to take.

Stop, when you feel something is not best and trust the solution.

When you have a bad habit, you need to interrupt the pattern.

When you have a repeating situation, you need to stop the pattern.

When you have an experience that keeps showing up, there is a past pattern to identify and undo. 

When anything in your life is not good for you, it is a wakeup call to stop its origin.

Life is a series of three situations, past, present and future.

Thus, three levels of pattern interrupts:

Past Patterns require Forgiveness!

Present Patterns require an Interruption.

Future Patterns require Conscious Choice.

Forgiveness is erasing, deleting or undoing the Past and what seemed to be “right” at the time.

We can forgive ourselves for not knowing any better.

We can forgive others for teaching, encouraging and showing us their beliefs.

We can delete prior programing and choose again for what is “right” for us.

Interruption in the Present is choosing anything that makes us more aware.

Interruption is making conscious choices to interrupt the unhealthy pattern.

'Pattern-interrupts' cause us to stop and be more present with our initial choice.

In situations that feel wrong, bad, negative or unhealthy requires a willingness to stop and choose again.

Conscious Choice in the Future requires Visualization and Affirmation of what is right and good.

When stopping a limiting pattern, we need to clear the archived memories and be present with choice.

When clearing unhealthy habits, we must undo what doesn’t work and choose for what does work.

To be fully conscious in our choices, we must observe our thoughts, feelings and words.

This is the beginning of undoing limiting patterns.

Notice what you have done.

Observe what you are doing.

Delete prior programming with forgiveness and affirmation.

Choose again what is highest and best for you.

The way to correct errors we make is to forgive all judgments, see things differently and choose again.

Trust yourself to learn every step of the way.

Judgments keep us stuck. 

Forgiveness sets us free.

Loving your willingness to do what works for you,

Betty Lue

Strategies to Succeed in today’s world:

1) Have routines and schedules. 

2) Clean desk to minimize distractions.

3) Control media and electronic input. (So brains are not bombarded.)

4) Minimize interruptions and turn off notifications on computer/phone.

5) Focus and stay on one task. Don't multi-task switching back & forth.

6) Automate choices to reduce decision fatigue.

Support for Success

• Be kind to your mind.

• Do what you can do well..

• Take breaks to breathe and move.

• Be patient with the learning/working goals.

• Appreciate yourself for being willing to do the work.

Saturday, March 22, 2025

Enjoy Your Life




I choose to enjoy my whole life.

I prefer learning from everyone and everything.

I love the life I have chosen for myself.

My thoughts, words and activities reflect my enjoyment.

Enjoy What You Do!

Enjoy what you do, and it will work for you!

Hate, resist and resent what you do, and it won’t work for you.

When you love what you are doing, it will be fun, safe and easy.

When you don’t like what you do, it may be unfun, unsafe and difficult.

Enjoying is a choice.

Happiness is a choice.

Joy is a choice.

Gratitude is a choice.

Dislike is learned.

Unhappiness is taught.

We choose how we see what we see.

We can choose to see things differently.

Children copy parents.

Friends copy friends.

Associations tend to create similar beliefs.

Families often choose similar experiences.

When born into a happy, curious and appreciative family, children tend to be the same.

When born into an unhappy, fearful and ungrateful family, children tend to be the same.

To change our original programming, we must forgive and undo the past and choose again.

To clear away limiting beliefs and false programs, we can forgive, erase and delete.

Enjoy what you do.

Use positive languaging.

Forgive negative thoughts and words.

Change your attitude and you change your mind.

Put a smile on your face each morning.

Greet yourself in the mirror with a smile.

Give your best self to your partner and children.

What you give to others, you will receive and reinforce in yourself.

Life reflects what we send out to others.

The attitude will share will be seen in our perceptions.

Our words are heard by others, as well as by ourselves.

We hear sounds with our own interpretation of enjoyment or judgment.

To enjoy what you do, make up your mind to choose joy.

To enjoy what you do, choose it with open-hearted gratitude.

To enjoy what you do, forgive all negative thinking.

To enjoy what you do, see it with pleasure and appreciation.

Turn your thoughts to love and appreciation.

Turn your life over to joy and inspiration.

Turn your eyes to wondrous and beautiful sights

Turn your words to beholding the enjoying what is.

Enjoying loving me and you with everything I say and do.

Betty Lue