Friday, January 17, 2025

What Really Matters?




My life is in order.

I am free to create the life I want.

I put people before things.

Order in everyday affairs happiness, health and inner peace.

First Things First!

What comes first?

Are you priorities what you really value?

When all is done, is your life an example of what matters to you?

Are you using your time and energy wisely?

When everything is in order, there is plenty of time to do what matters most.

When everything is in chaos, there is limited time to find, figure out and do what is right for you.

When your mind is conflicted and confused, time is lost trying to get on track.

When you are lazy or procrastinating, life will be in charge and you may feel out of control.

Put away childish habits and immature choices.

Choose what is really valuable today and in your future.

Give yourself credit when credit is due.

Your wise and mature choices will be reflected in the harmony and success in your life.

Simple daily assessment.

Are the dishes done?

Are the bills paid?

Is my bedroom tidy?

Have I apologized (made amends) for my mistakes?

Am I eating, sleeping and being productive everyday?

Do I share my gratitude with those I value?

When I go to bed, do I feel content?

If not, where do you begin to take charge of your life?

How do you find freedom in an “unfree” world?

Who or what do you depend on to get things done?

How much do you really want to have a happy, healthy good life?

This is your time to live and learn from your own life.

Before you mind another’s business. mind your own business.

Before you waste your energy complaining about someone else, clean up your own act.

Before you distract and delay yourself, get busy doing what needs to be done for you.

There is always time to do what needs to be done.

Feed your family well.

Be kind to one another.

Listen to what really matters.

Give attention to real needs.

Turn off TV and step away from computer.

Set down your phone and look around you.

Handle what is there in front of you with ease and gratitude.

What matters is that you demonstrate you wisdom, love and courage in giving your very best.

Life is to be lived well.

Clarify your priorities.

Align with your values.

Live your principles.

Reach your goals.

You can, when you believe you can.

Just DO IT!

Loving you, 

Betty Lue

Thursday, January 16, 2025

Family Guidelines




I choose to create harmony in myself and my relationships.

I live with honesty, respect and responsibility.

I appreciate my family and humanity with my thoughts, words and activities.

I teach by example and live what I teach.

Family Harmony

Family Rules for Parents (from my then 9 yr. old granddaughter)

#1 Don’t yell……unless absolutely necessary. 

When asked what would make it necessary.  She said, “To stop someone from getting hurt.”

#2 Don’t get angry, when someone is having a tantrum, Comfort them.

#3 Give everyone responsibilities—so they don’t get spoiled.

#4 Only give allowance or rewards, when their responsibilities are done.

I grew up with a large extended family in Michigan, where everyone helped everyone.

No matter what the difference in ages, education, beliefs, or culture, everyone got along.

There was willingness to be truly helpful and caring, kindness and sharing.

At annual family reunions, everyone helps to prepare meals, takes care of kids and clean up.

I was part of a family team where we had similar goals, total honesty and all participated.

We were committed to finding solutions where everyone was happy and no one felt lost or left out.

We were all given responsibilities appropriate for our age and all did our jobs happily.

Because this is what I experienced as a toddler, it is natural for me to be helpful and respectful.

I grew up in a family with no yelling, threats or demands.

I grew up in a family with no fighting, name-calling or blaming.

I grew up in a family with no gossip, shaming or unhappy story telling.

I grew up in a family with no worry or fear-mongering.

There was simply love, trust and freedom to be and do as we chose.

There was strong faith in God, with no special religious beliefs, accepting all religions.

There was a happy desire to be helpful and kind to one another and humanity.

There was a deep calling to do Good in our world, beginning with our own family.

Key guidelines for all relationships and families, businesses and partnerships:

Respect one another with no hurting physically, emotionally or financially.

Be responsible for your words and behavior, actions and inaction.

Cooperate by caring for one another, doing what is fair, sharing what you have.

When everyone helps everyone, the work gets done.

When everyone helps everyone, we all have fun.

When everyone helps everyone, we feel like one.

When everyone helps everyone, life is fun, safe and easy.

I believe you can change your world by changing you.

What you conceive and believe, you can achieve.

Loving you, 

Betty Lue

Be Respectful.

Be Responsible.

Be Cooperative.

Create a Better World for All.

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Be Grateful Every Day




In everything I see a reflection of myself.

Life works when I align my vision to the Highest Good.

I choose to be grateful and gracious in loving all.

I give and receive with full gratitude for all that is.

Thank You!

Thank you for listening.

Thank you for receiving.

Thank you for caring.

Thank you for being.

What greater gift than relating to one another!

When we have another, we can see ourselves.

When we interact with another, we can know ourselves.

When we communicate with another, we can hear ourselves.

Relationships give us opportunities to heal and grow.

Relationships help us learn and know what really matters.

Relationships teach us who and where our heart lies.

Relationship are the change to truly feel what giving means.

All that I give is given to myself.

All I say is a message first for me.

All I see and hear is feedback for my greater awareness.

All I feel in loving you is meant for me.

When I know I am writing these loving reminders for me, I am guided.

When I feel the words I speak are messages of love, I feel deeply loved.

When I receive the gifts I give, I know great abundance.

When I breathe in the beauty of this life, I honor my Goodness and beauty.

Every moment of every day, I am given everything I am willing to receive.

Every Loving Reminders is a gift for me.

Every song I sing and word I speak is telling me I am whole.

Every longing I have to give all I Am, I know the blessing within All.

There is Love all around me when I know the Love in me.

There is protection all around me, when I know Safety in me.

There is willingness all around me, when I know I am willing.

There is life energy and vitality all around me, when I know I am whole.

Life is working for us to see and relate with ourselves.

Love is flowing for us to receive and give to ourselves.

Trust is given for us to believe and remind ourselves.

Freedom is given for us to enjoy and open to limitless being.

And so it is we prosper and are grateful.

And so it is we enjoy and are happy.

And so it is we contribute and are blessed.

And so it is we are in love and are all One.

Loving you, 

Betty Lue

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Be True To You




I do as I feel guided to do.

I live each day true to my calling.

I support myself by focusing on Love.

I trust in the choices I make.

Integrity Creates a Good Life!

When you know who you are, you will love yourself.

When you live what you know, you will respect yourself.

When you do as you are guided, you will trust yourself.

When you love, trust and respect yourself, you will be whole and happy and free.

This is the secret to a good life.

This is how life can be fun, safe and easy.

This is how you can be content and at peace.

This is the way home to your True and Authentic Self.

Love, trust and respect yourself.

There is no magic.

There is the willingness to learn.

There is the need for work, consistency and persistence.

Life begins when you choose to begin really living.

Life begins when you are willing to listen within.

Life begins when you live with the values you know.

Life begins when you clear the fear and resistance.

Stop malingering and get busy.

Stop neglecting your work and start now.

Stop blaming and shaming yourself and others.

Start by forgiving the past and begin right now.

Live today the way you say you want to live.

Give now the best you have and even better.

Be today who you wish you could be.

Trust today that life is the gift you give to yourself.

Only You can deny yourself anything.

Only you can stop withholding Love from you.

Only you can doubt you can do what you set out to do.

Only You can change your mind and undo the lethargy and fear.

Clear the way and choose again.

Stop feeling sorry for yourself and just get up and do it.

Stop making excuses and do what you know is yours to do.

Be the beautiful, good and inspired being you are called to be.

You can do this!

One hour at a time.

One day at a time.

This is your day, your month and your year.

I believe in YOU!

Betty Lue