Thursday, October 17, 2024

Pay Attention!




I am on vacation 10/17-27. Text or email, if you have a need. I will respond same day.

I will still be writing and emailing Daily Loving Reminders, but…..

If there is an interruption, go to my website or Betty Lue’s Loving Reminders on Facebook.

Remember to Love One Another.

Betty Lue


I relinquish all blame and stop doing the same thing over and over.

I reach out with love and love returns to me.

I wake up each day refreshed and ready to learn.

Everyday in everyway I am more alive, alert and enthusiastic.

Wake Up Calls!

Every upset, accident, illness is a wakeup call.

Every firing, bankruptcy, family problem is a wake up call.

When you are too comfortable, you may go to sleep and neglect your life.

When you are surprised or shocked, you will tend to wake up and attend to your life.

Are you awake yet?

What does it take to pay attention?

What helps you to stay conscious?

How do you listen and honor your inner knowing?

It is true most folks have learned to prefer familiarity and sameness.

Most people want control over their lives, so they can take it easy.

We may want to be busy, but fail to notice what we can hear in quiet.

Many want to avoid listening to what they need to learn and know. 

When we know better, we do better.

When we are sleeping in class, we cannot learn.

When we read comic books, we don’t read inspiring works.

When we are sleeping on the job, we cannot get our real work done.

What does it take for you to listen to yourself?

Where do you go for answers when you do not know?

How loud do you need to hear the alarm before waking up?

What will it take to be responsible for your life and respond with love?

It is our fears that keep us stuck in someone else’s nightmare.

It is our attachment to the easy way that holds us captive in cycles of madness.

It is our addiction to numbing the emotional, mental, physical pain that keeps us from changing.

We are awake when we choose to respond with conscience, confidence and freedom of choice.

When we run from our responsibility (ability to respond with healing), we are sleeping.

When we open our mind and our heart, we can see and feel what is needed.

When we lift our minds to what can be rather than linger in the past, we choose what we prefer.

When we are walking into the light rather than hiding in the dark, we see what we can be.

Every day there are opportunities to wake up and enjoy the school of life.

When we are judging the lessons and refusing to listen, we may not pass the tests of time.

When we fall asleep at our desk or use drugs to not get the learning, we fail to graduate.

School is a gift and learning is our “job”. 

Let’s get a good night’s sleep and wake up to face the day with enthusiasm and curiosity.

With an awakened heart and open mind, we can always see what is before us and which way to go.

With willingness to listen and learn, we can achieve everything we want to be happy and free.

Let us wake up to what is good and whole and beautiful for Goodness Sake.

Always loving you and reminding you to wake up to Love.

Betty Lue

Keys to Unconditional Love

Always give your best.

Demonstrate your love (with positive words, affection, undivided time, gifts, service)

Listen and learn what is most respected and helpful.

Observe what is received with gratitude.

Step away when you are not your best and renew yourself.

Give only with gratitude and joy (no sacrifice or self denial)

Trust others are giving their best.

Always inspire the best in others.

Believe and see the Love within.

Trust each one is learning how best to love.

Free yourself and others to love unconditionally.

Forgive all mistakes or withholds.

Learn to love them anyway.

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Your Life Is Renewable!




I am inspired by what is new.

I love with new ideas, new relationships and renewed living.

Every breath renews my live energy.

I see the goodness and beauty in the newness of each moment.

What’s New in You?


We are ever-renewing in mind, body and spirit.

We have new ideas and new technology every second.

We have renewable bodies with new cells every day.

We have Spirits that can be renewed with a thought.

How do we get so stuck, when we are renewable?

It is time to wake up and shake the dust off our feet.

It is time to let go of what is out of date and unhealthy.

It is time to release what is no longer useful.

Who will we be when we are new again?

How will life be when we start over again?

What will the outcome be when we are free?

Letting go is fun, safe and easy and renewing.

Creating 32 holistic counseling/healing centers in five states in 40+ yrs. has been renewing for me.

Beginning again in many new homes and new towns has been inspiring for me.

Moving was energizing and useful in learning to listen within for ways to serve was good.

Being willing to be new again has been helpful, useful, inspiring and energizing.

The past is not here. I only hold it in my memory if it inspires me.

Life keeps on moving, evolving, changing and transforming.

When I am holding back, I can no longer connect or relate.

When I am open and willing allowing the Good to flow through me, I am happy and free.

When there is security, we can easily let go.

When there is trust, we enjoy the release.

Where there is freedom, we open with joy.

When we experience Love, we allow what is new.

How can we fully accept the Adventure of Life?

When will we learn to embrace what is new?

What can we release to be happy and free?

How can we trust in the blessings of possibility?

What is new in your life?

Can you forgive your judgments and resistance?

Are you enjoying the eventful ride of the unknown?

Can you let go of control and simply flow with the new?

Believe everything works together for Good.

All things are in our own best interest.

We are always in the right place at the right time doing the right thing for the right reason.

When you believe it, you will see it is so.


Loving all things new again.

Betty Lue

Full Moon October 17, tomorrow at 4:26AM PDT 

*** Our full moon thoughts for October ***

When the French philosopher René Descartes formulated the sentence “I think, therefore I am” (cogito ergo sum) in 1641, he painted a powerful picture of ourselves. In addition to the numerous discussions about the validity and logic of this sentence, one essential aspect remains relevant to this day. Namely, we acknowledge that we are determined by our thinking. We are thought-oriented beings. It is estimated that we have between 12,000 and 60,000 thoughts per day. A study showed that 85 % of the things we think about won’t actually happen. This often occurs in the form of repetitive thought loops. So it might be beneficial for us to think a bit less. The very idea of spending your time in a state of silence instead of aimless thoughts seems pleasant and sensible. No sooner said than done: how about the thought of disposing of a few thoughts …Moonlight wishes from 

Jörg Werner & Elena Manja Werner

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Honor All Children




I speak with respect and kindness to everyone, young and old.

I honor children as I honor myself.

My example is my best teaching.

I pay attention, show up and speak the highest truth I know.

Tips for Living Well with Children  (of all ages)

Do you understand what it means to be there as “a parent”?

Do you get what it feels like to be a child?

Are you even vaguely aware of what this world seems to be?

Do you listen to what children say and want you to know?

When you come into a new place, you want to feel safe and secure.

You want to know the rules or limits so you can fit in and feel cared for.

You want to feel able to express yourself and what you need.

You want to know there will be food, a bed and bathroom and someone to be there for us.

This is true for young and old, rich and poor, informed and uninformed.

All of us have a need for the basics to develop in a healthy way.

Yet, we neglect and deny many of these to our children and youth and elders.

Stop and recognize what you need when you are in a new environment.

Let’s give our infants, toddlers, children and youth the basics.

Access to healthy food and clean water everyday.

Safe place to rest and sleep in quiet.

Water & bathroom to stay clean and dry.

Children need attention and someone to listen to them.

They need opportunities to explore and experiment.

They need ways to be creative without judgment.

They need places to be quiet and noisy, active and passive.

Why do we forget to give them what we want?

Why do we so often treat kids like pets instead of people?

Why have we relegated children and elders to second class?

It is time we treat them like guests, customers and invest our best.

When we talk with our children, they talk with us.

When we tell or demand of our children, they talk back and demand of their adults.

When we listen to and honor their request, they listen and honor our requests.

They seek to be treated with respect, trust and appreciation, just like we do.

Set simple basic rules of etiquette for all members of your household.

These are mine. Choose your own.

1) Yelling & rough housing belong outside.

2) Everyone cleans up after themselves in all common areas.

3) No hurting of self, others or the space.

4) Everyone helps.

What if we all simply “Treat others as we want to be treated.”

The home is the primary teaching/learning safe space for us all.

Keep you home safe with respect, responsibility and cooperation.

Everyone learns from everyone when we do what is right and good.

I am editing my fifth book, “Family Reminders”.

All my Reminders books are on Amazon for sale.

Or I can send them personally to you?

Remember to be what you want to see.

Respecting us all for learning to be responsible.

Betty Lue

Ask me, if you want to see how young children love to be helpful!

I will send you a list of responsibilities for kids at each age.

Be Respectful.

Be Responsible.

Be Cooperative.

Create a Better World for All.