Friday, December 20, 2024

Give All To All To Have All





My Love is Enough.

I need nothing for I have everything I need.

I share All I have and know there is plenty for All.

Realize You Have Enough.

Where Are You Wanted?

Where are you needed?

What can you do to be helpful?

What can you give to make someone happy?

Stop asking for what you want.

Stop looking at what you need.

Stop seeking someone else to help you.

Stop trying to get anyone to make you happy.

If you want all your wishes to be filled, GIVE!

If you really desire to stop feeling needy, Contribute.

If you would like to feel strong, capable, worthy, be helpful to others.

If you really want to experience true and lasting happiness, make others happy!

Be where you are wanted.

Give what is truly needed.

Be helpful to those you encounter.

Make your world a happy place for us all.

I say ‘Yes’ to what is asked of me, unless it does harm to me or thee.

I respond to the needs I see and those I hear from within, my inner knowing.

I know I am here to be truly helpful, so I make myself available to be able to help.

I give my life to make my world a happier, healthier, safe and prosperous place to be.

When you can count on You to be Santa, you no longer wait for him to fulfill your wishes.

When you trust You to take care of you, you rely on your own giving to create the life you seek.

When you recognize You must be full in order to freely give, you meet your own needs first.

When you realize You are the One you seek, you love yourself unconditionally no matter what.

I was raised with little money or things, few gifts on Christmas and birthdays, and I grew up rich.

I never learned to expect others to give to me and always knew I was here to be the Love I AM.

I trusted in the power of loving and giving Love and relied on the Love in me to fully Be.

I thank my self and my parents and elders for not believing in neediness and not teaching falsely.

The greatest gift of their Love was to always trust YOUR LOVE IS ENOUGH!

We are here together to Love one another.

We are here to be the Presence (presents) of Love in our world.

We are here together to know this is all we really need.  

Remember You Are Love and Your Love Is Enough!

And so I remind you: I know You Are Love.

And I receive the Love You Are.

Your Love is creating a world of Love.

And I appreciate YOU.

Betty Lue

Thursday, December 19, 2024

Celebrate You!




I love myself just the way I Am.

I appreciate who I am and all I give everyday.

The more I am loving me, the more I am sincerely loving you.

I freely enjoy myself and the life I have created to celebrate you.

Life is for giving and You Are the Gift!

Celebrate You!

Why wait to celebrate?

Why wait for someone else to celebrate you and your life?

What stops you from singing Happy Birthday to You?

What keeps you from honoring your own birth?

You deserve all the Love coming from you and to you.

You deserve to be happy and healthy and free.

You deserve to have the life you really, really want.

You deserve to clear the fear and have all your dreams come true.

Life is meant to be your gift.

Life is the Exploratorium where you learn and grow

Life is the movie screen on which you see yourself.

Life is the opportunity to really see what is good for you.

Take your time, unwrap the gift and receive your life.

Explore with all your senses and inner-sense to see all you can learn.

Watch the play of your life in others’ lives and see where you relate.

Observe how everything is a choice to find what is truly Good for you.

Life indeed is a miraculous gift which we can throw away or enjoy.

Life offers awesome choices to be still or be quiet with your own inner voice.

You can sing or dance or seek romance and chance encounters.

You can make it full of surprise and adventure or be cautious and build defenses.

Why not celebrate and appreciate what you receive in the final chapters?

Why not begin with am amazing grin and entertain us all with your Joy?

Why not help and serve and take the road of giving always and only good?

Why not be the one who plays the part of a good and loving heart?

You can choose who to be and how to relate.

You can choose to win or lose without complaint.

You can choose to succeed or foster others’ success.

You can be judge, forgiver, forgiven or spectator.

All of life is up to you.

When you receive the gift of life, it is yours to choose.

Choose it, confuse it or misuse it.

It is all your choice!

Get Ready! Get Set! Go for it!

Celebrate your life!  I do.

Loving you, 

Betty Lue

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

You Are A Gift




Love is a gift to us to be given to others.

Love is my natural state.

We are created by Love as Love.

Love is the only true and lasting gift we give.

Gifts of Love

How does Love reveal itself?

Is it with gifts or acts of service?

Is it with quality time or signs of affection?

Is it with words of affirmation and gratitude?

Everyone hears and feels Love differently.

No two people are the same.

Each one of us receives Love in our own unique way.

Some do not trust Love at All.

You have your own unique preferences for Love.

Touch, time, service, gifts or words.

Depending on how you were loved in infancy and childhood you will get you are loved in your own way.

Notice what you want from others to know you are truly loved.

When a person wants Love they usually give what they want to receive.

When you want to give love to another, you usually give what you would want.

If each person is giving their own form of loving, the gift may not be received.

It is important to learn to give what is wanted by others.

Make no assumptions about Love.

Don’t take Lack of Love personally.

Keep your agreements about Loving.

Always give your best when extending Love.

You don’t know what others want to receive from you.

You can ask them what they want, but they may not know or tell.

You can observe what others respond to when you give with love.

You can try giving affection, words, gifts, service and time to see what works.

When someone feels guilty or unworthy, they may resist and deny your love.

When someone feels hurt or angry, they may push away your love.

When someone feels scared or afraid of being hurt, they may run away from your love.

When someone feels depleted and used, they may not want to feel obligated to love you in return.

Much is written and talked about loving and giving.

Some fits and is easy to apply.

Some feels phony and is filled with potential pitfall.

When we care, we simple are and share the best we have.

Love with respect for the other.

Offer Love without expectation.

Give Love without obligation.

Live Love with openness and appreciation.

Be the Gift of Love YOU Are.

Always Loving you.

Betty Lue

The Human Touch

’Tis the human touch

in this world that counts,

The touch of your hand and mine,

Which means far more

to the fainting heart

Than shelter and bread and wine.

For shelter is gone

when the night is o’er,

And bread lasts only a day.

But the touch of the hand

And the sound of the voice

Sing on in the soul always.



Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Love Never Ends!




I am Love and Light.

The energy of Love and Light shine brightly in me.

I no longer withhold that which I Am.

I freely share the Good I Am.

I naturally receive as I give.

My world is blessed by my Presence and the gifts I Give.

Love Never Ends!

Love and Light are Energy, Source and Life Itself.

Energy can neither be created or destroyed, but can change form. Isaac Newton

Love Is. 

Light Is. 

You are life energy.

You always have been and will be.

Celebrate Light.

Celebrate Love.

The end is never an end, but only the moment before a new beginning.

What seems like the return of Light (Sunrise and Winter Solstice) is merely the dawning of our mind of what already is.

The apparent lack of love and light is the blocking of our awareness with our thoughts.

When our eyes are closed and we are asleep or unconscious in our awareness, we do not see and know.

We are here to clear our mind of fear, lack of awareness, ignorance and separation from the Truth.

When love seems to have ended, it may be due to withholding the Love within.

When love seems to shut down, it is may be due to our resistance to being.

When love seems to stop, we may have neglected to love ourselves.

When love quits on loving, we may have justified all the barriers we have built against loving.

There is only love and the call for love.

There is only love and the denial of love.

There is only love and the unawareness of love.

There is only love and unwillingness to be the Love we seek.

And when we are loving, we are filled with light. (life energy!)

And when we judge lack of love in us, our light seems to grow dim.

And when we seek to see things with open eyes, our light grows bright.

And when we see the light with delight, our own love expands and is freely shared.

There is no reason needed to love.

There is no reason needed to be light.

There is only the choice to withhold, turn away or be dark in our thoughts and feelings.

When we come alive and awake again, we return to our true expansive and unlimited nature.

Light and Joy are our natural state.

Just as the stars can be seen shining in the dark, so we can be seen, when we shine in the dark.

Just as the sun is shining in the night, we can be aware of the light and love always present within.

Just as the Truth never ends or fades or goes away, our inner light and effortless loving always is.

Are you willing to own, honor and appreciate the light and life energy within you?

Are you open to extending only the Love in you to all beings, all creation and always to you?

Are you choosing to be the gift of unending and unconditional Love in every way? 

Are you ever available to be the Light for Freedom and the Love for Trust?

Be the safe place where always love and Light abide and you will know endless JOY!

Enjoying my keyboard as my place of creative and enlightened expression of Joy.

You are my Ode to Joy!

We are the LIGHT here to remember to LOVE ONE ANOTHER.

I AM always loving you and all. 

Betty Lue

I am loving us all.  

It is love that prevails in all things, large and small.

Above all, let us simply remember to love. 

Betty Lue