Monday, October 14, 2024

Love One Another





Love works for me.

Love expands as it is shared.

Love is the Source of all Good.

Love is Who I Am and What I do.

Love The Ones You Are With.

Love works only when you are loving.

Life works only when you are living.

Giving works only when you are giving.

Happiness works when you are truly happy.

So Why Not Live, Love and Be Happy?

Love the Ones you are with.

Enjoy being with yourself when alone with You.

Love being in nature when You are there.

Love is not just for One, but for Everyone.

Love feels loving, when you are willing to give your Love.

When you are waiting for magic, give some magic.

When you are withholding love with grievances and resentments, you will not feel Loved.

Nothing changes everything more than Loving.

Nothing gives us more Love than to choose to give more Love.

Nothing is more healing and helpful, than Loving yourself.

Everything and everyone you choose to Love becomes Love for ourselves.

Love is an expression and experience of the Love We Are.

When we choose to withhold ourselves from living, loving and giving, we don’t feel good about ourselves.

When we choose to extend ourselves to fully live, love and give, we feel profound Love for ourselves.

Our recognition of Love within ourselves opens the way to freely extend it to others.

Giving Love is the greatest way to discover the Love within.

When we love the unloveable, we see there is no limit to Love.

When we give to the unforgiven, we realize there is no limit to forgiveness.

When we break through feelings of lack, littleness and limitation, we understand we can free our Love.

Life truly is to learn to forgive ourselves and continue giving.

Love really is to let go of withholding Love and give Love to everyone.

Giving is as natural as breathing, when we stop resisting and resenting and remember to Love always.

Give Love and let it flow to discover the unlimited nature of infinite Love.

Open your heart to Love the Ones you are with to recognize Love has no limits.

Free yourself from denying yourself the Love you want and are, by celebrating the Love within you.

Love the Ones you are with and you will know Love is All and Only what you want to experience.

Experiment with Love and its many expressions.

Notice where you are withholding and smile, say “Hello” and reach out with Love.

Today is a great day to begin.

Love everyone and everything and watch Love and happiness grow in you.

Love is the greatest Gift of all.

Always Love. 

Trust and Free YourSelf to Love!

Loving you, 

Betty Lue

I am loving us all.  

It is love that prevails in all things, large and small.

Above all, let us simply remember to love. 

Betty Lue

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Take Time Away





I can choose exactly what I want.

I learn from everything and everyone.

I get clearer and wiser about what is right for me.

I love to step away and see what is true for me.

Vacations & Meditations  Change Your Life!

How can you use meditation or vacation to transform your life?

When you step out of your usual environment what do you see and hear?

When you travel to a new place, how do you feel and respond or react?

When you decide to have fun and try something new, how does it change you?

Any new adventure can change you for the better.

You can become clearer and stronger with your choices.

You can express yourself in new ways.

You can step away with courage and return without anxiety. 

What you attract for good or ill is a reflection of your own thinking and feeling.

When you find beauty and joy, friendliness and helpfulness, you are seeing yourself.

Whether you feel healthy and vibrant, energized and delighted, you are feeling your real self.

Our natural thoughts, feelings and attitude reveal what is really inside.

Often the vacation/meditation will show us what we really want to be, do and have.

A new environment can give us glimpses of what is most desired.

New people and situations can tell us what makes us better and happier.

We are learning how to redefine our ideal life.

When the new situation or holiday gives us problems, we are experiencing our inner conflict.

When we find negativity, difficulty, confusion and upset, we are experiencing our inner fears.

The outer experience shows us what to clean up, wash away and clear within ourselves.

We can immediately learn to do the inner work to create a positive and happy experience.

“Time Away” with open schedules are guided and decided by the chooser.

The kind response to problems allows the negativity to dissipate.

The angry or anxious reaction can amplify the difficulties.

We can more easily see ourselves outside our usual situation.

On your vacation, do you want peace and quiet?

Do you want to free yourself from schedules?

Are you prepared to change plans and still enjoy it all?

Do you plan on resting, playing, celebrating or seeing the sights?

Are you ready to learn from your own ideas, responses and reactions?

Are you open to choose, let go and choose again until you are satisfied?

Do you put up with what you experience or find the best way to have a good time?

All of your decisions are learning opportunities in self-discovery and self realization.

Take the time to get acquainted with the REAL You.

Learn to watch and listen to how you respond and react.

Begin to express your REAL choices.

Choose what you REALLY want.

Loving your willingness to learn from your choices,

Betty Lue

What makes you feel GOOD?

When people feel “good”, they do good.

When people feel good, they are positive.

When people feel good, they are healthy.

When people feel good, they make positive, healthy choices.

When people feel bad ( sad, disappointed, hurt, angry, resentful, criticized and unloved),  they make bad choices.

The key is to feel good yourself and then help others feel good.

Be positive. Be encouraging. Be respectful. Be helpful.

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Plans Change!




I let go and go with the flow.

Everything is in my own best interests.

All things are lessons to learn or gifts to be received.

I love change and it always works for me.

Plans Change!

What do you feel and think about changing your plans?

Life is changing and rearranging, everything and everyone.

Everything is growing and evolving and dissolving.

We can count on change, because it is constant!

Let us accept the change.

Let us enjoy the change.

Let us flow with the change.

Let us trust all change works together for Good……And it will.

If change if natural, why do we resist it?

If change is good, why do so many fear it?

If changing plans is helpful, why resent it?

Allowing change may feel like we have to change.

Change may mean we must change our mind, as well as opinions, attachments and commitments.

Change may feel like a loss of control.

Relinquishing control may feel like loss of certainty.

When feeling insecure, out of control and fearful, many run, resist and rebel.

Consider the options: Being stuck in sameness or free to choose for change?

Life brings us unlimited opportunities to change and yet some prefer the same.

When we risk something new, we allow infinite possibilities to come forth.

When we expose diverse choices, it may feel overwhelming or bring up fear of failure.

Freedom to change anything and everything is a gift.

When we allow new knowledge to change our opinions, we grow exponentially.

When we allow new experiences to free our attachments, we are released from the old ways.

When we allow new options to release our commitments, we are free to choose again and again.

Life gives us new information, new inspiration and new perspectives.

When we close our eyes and ears, we cannot see what really is before us.

When we open our mind and hear to what can be, we feel expansive, curious and open to all.

We have the option to welcome the new or resist and hold onto what has been.

The past is gone.

We can hang on to old stories and attach to our history.

We can cling to the familiar or open to the unfamiliar.

We can be stuck in fear or free ourselves into LOVE.

Love is Freedom and Trust.

Life is an adventure into the Infinite.

Freedom is opening to Choice.

Trust is knowing all things work together for Good.

What shall it be?

Wanting always the Best for You!

Betty Lue

Letting go can be fun, safe and easy.

Learn to let go with love and gratitude.

Trust all things work together for our Good.

Friday, October 11, 2024

Does It Work?




I am here to be truly helpful.

I watch and listen for what works for others' benefit.

I choose to treat everyone as I want to be treated.

I am respectful, helpful and conscientious in my communication.

What Works?

Do you keep expecting a different result?

Are you stuck on criticism and negativity?

Do you want to see the reaction in others?

Do you ever ask, “Is this working?”

It is insanity to keep doing the same thing expecting a different result?

When we say the same thing again and again, we are nagging.

When we start yelling to get attention, we are not listening.

When we believe making people feel afraid or hurt is helpful, we are crazy.

It is time to discover what actually works.

If what we are doing does not work, it is time to stop.

We can learn new ways to be helpful and effective.

We can change our mind easily because we are wise.

Let’s be creative about what works.

Let’s learn to observe our communication methods.

Let’s watch to see the response in others.

Let’s notice how effective we can be.

More often than not, people like to be loved and appreciated.

Usually our family members like smiles, not frowns.

Most people want pleasant tones of voice rather than shouting.

Usually children like to be encouraged rather than scolded.

When people use crude words or rude behavior, most feel disrespected.

When parents use put downs, shaming or blaming, children feel unloved.

When couples criticize or speak badly to one another, kids feel bad.

We each can look for what will work.

Learn to speak and behave with respect.

Choose to listen to one another.

Give quiet focused time to any important sharing.

Treat others as you want to be treated.

What works is thoughtful communication.

What works is being positive with your words.

What works is caring enough to be calm in speaking.

What works is being helpful and encouraging.

What works is loving yourself enough to always give your best.

What works is looking for the underlying good intentions.

What works is valuing the attempt to do better.

What works is being present and caring for others.

Life is for giving……so always give your very best.

Wanting only the best for us all,

Loving You, 

Betty Lue

Be Respectful.

Be Responsible.

Be Cooperative.

Create a Better World for All.