Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Self Knowing


I forgive any and all the ways I have forsaken my self,

I no longer doubt, fear, judge and limit my self.

I love myself just the way I Am.

I trust and free myself to be all I can be.

Know You!

You are strong.

You are wise.

You are free.

You are whole.

Within you lies everything you have dreamed you could be.

When you see it in another, it is also within you.

The One that you seek, is the One You Are.

Do not neglect the shining star in you.

Stop comparing and start daring to be the Greatness within.

Stop blaming and complaining and see what You Can Do.

Stop resenting and begin presenting always and only your Best.

Stop withholding your gifts and step out into the Light.

Letting go of our self-made obstacles and excuses is our healing work.

All unforgiveness is like a weight in our being free.

All attacking thoughts create the fear of being judged.

Surrender your fear and doubts and come out of your own closet.

Be courageous and let your heart lead the way.

Be wise and allow your inner guidance to show you how.

Be free and play what you want to be like an innocent child.

Be whole and love all parts of who you seem to be.

Live the adventure of Life.

Give yourself the joy of living.

Respect your choices however they seem.

Appreciate the chances you take and how much you learn.

We are here to let go of fear.

We are here to discover our limitlessness.

We are here to explore where our guidance takes us.

We are here to undo everything that is untrue.

Listen deeply to what is inside of you.

Respect tenderly the call for love.

Understand you profound need to forgive you.

Appreciate fully you are here to know and love YOU!

When you give yourself to Love, begin with YOU.

When you desire to be loved, know your need is for You to Love you.

When you feel judged, hated, bullied, rejected,  it is for you to stop judging, hating and bullying you!

Your experience of yourself comes from what your do to you and what you do for you.

Give Yourself to Love!

Betty Lue