Monday, May 13, 2019

Optimum Health

Every day in every way I am happier and healthier.
Every little cell in my body is happy; every little cell in my body is whole.
Life is good and getting better.
I love my body and it loves me and supports me in doing what I love.

Optimum Health at Every Age

When health and healing needs show up, we review how best to maintain optimum health.
Over the years, we have experimented with a number of diets and lifestyles.
Robert, my life partner and husband of thirty-four years, is a naturopath.
We have studied, taught and practiced many different holistic health practices and paths.
We have maintained a vegetarian diet, mostly vegan the last few years.

We have explored different exercise programs and ways and times of eating.
Macrobiotics, sugar free, glucose free, and for 15 years before Robert, only brown rice and veggies for me.
Today we continue to explore and adapt to our own unique metabolism and energy usage.
The foods we eat often depend on where we live and find good quality fresh produce.

What we discover is that our bodies’ needs change over time with schedule and stress.
Recently we have tried raw food diet, blood type diet, and just added eggs and some dairy.
Consumption of calories also changes with different foods eaten and exercise changes.
It is always best to pay attention to what your body asks for to be most energized and healthy.

At home we usually wake up at 5:30AM, breakfast at 7:30 AM with brown rice cereal and some eggs.
Lunch at 12:30, 20-30 minute power nap and dinner between 6-7 with bedtime at 10 PM or so.
Robert exercises on a stationary bike and I will be adding walking daily.
I work in the office with clients 9-12 and 3-7PM usually. 
The rest of my time is spent phone coaching, writing Loving Reminders, responding to email requests and office work, plus simply enjoying the life I have.
I use my time with focus on learning and teaching, giving and receiving all I have in service.
Everything is quality time serving each one and everyone, including myself.

These days we have the grandkids and friends as much as possible throughout the summer and on holidays. This is our joy to offer them time in nature, horseback riding and local ranch work daily because they love it and love the free creative time at home with us. Lots of games and crafts and reading.

Dan McDonald is a favorite online presenter and raw foods teacher with lots of practical recipes and lifestyle experimenting.  
Here is his simple recipe for health, happiness and energy.
Oxygen is the number one nutrient for
health and the key to health, happiness
and energy. Keep your circulation good
with fresh fruits and fruit juices, pure
water and sunlight on the skin. Get
vigorous exercise in the freshest air
you can find. Walking is the king
exercise.  Focus on saturating your body
and mind with oxygen and your health and
outlook on life will improve

Life Saving Recipes

Love Your Whole Self Well everyday1
Betty Lue

Tips for Whole Life Fitness!
Natural healthy sleep is usually 7-9 hrs daily.
Water consumptions is usually a 6-8 glasses daily.
Movement means fresh air and sunshine, keeping our home, vehicle and workplace clean and orderly.
Healthy minds solve and resolve problems without worry or stress and create new ideas.
Relationships serve as reminders to hold no grievances and resolve issues immediately.
Bills paid, money saved and clear budget so there are no financial concerns is essential.
Let go of what no longer has value to make room for what is truly valuable.
Create new adventures, volunteer time to be helpful to others, and plan for future possibilities.
Easily let go and choose again when there are mistakes or blocks to your self esteem and confidence.
Believe in your own life purpose and reason for being.
Have faith in something that feels safe and secure and beneficial to you.