Monday, April 21, 2014

New Every day!

I am renewed in mind, body and  Spirit.
I trust in my freedom to choose.
I explore the paths of least resistance.
My life is fun, safe and easy as I follow my inner guidance.

( See a helpful “life review” process below)

I was recently asked about the stages and turning points in my life.
There is value occasionally in putting it all into perspective.
When you review your life, take the long view so you can see it in its entirety.
Seek out what it was you were seeing, seeking, being and doing.

Trust the perspective that you are here for a healing and holy purpose.
Each one of us is learning and teaching, seeking and finding, seeing and understanding.
In this paradigm of experience, we are offered unlimited choices.
Through trial and error, forgiving and choosing again, we realize our “ability to respond”.

We are free.
With freedom comes responsibility.
With responsibility come judgment and forgiveness.
With forgiveness we are free to choose again and again

We can choose to listen to others.
We can choose to follow our parents, our friends our elders and our heroes.
We can choose to be rebellious, fearful, adventuresome, and avoid the crowds.
We can choose to find the Voice of Love within and follow in the way of Love.

All are given to us with no conditions, no prescribed rules, directions or limitations.
Our life is ours everyday to choose again.
With forgiveness we erase the past and choose freely.
With judgment, guilt and blame, we choose based on fear.

Experience is our truest teacher.
Let’s explore and experience until we know.
Let us trust ourselves and free ourselves to do what is ours to do.
Let us listen and follow what we know to be true .

Life is good.
When we stop judging we can see the blessings in all of life.
When we listen with love, we know we are learning only Love is Real.
When we recognize, we have everything we need to remember, we are happy.

Appreciate all of your life.
I value yours and mine as our greatest teacher and teaching.
Betty Lue

Getting to Know You and Love You.
Give yourself an opportunity to see what meaning your Life has for you.
When we know ourselves, we will love ourselves for learning, growing, exploring and discovering.
Life is a process, unique for everyone as they have need to heal, forgive, choose and change.
Appreciate your whole life as it unfolds in the ways you perhaps have not understood.
Remember there is more possibility today and tomorrow!

Try out doing this process for yourself, one year at a time or decade at a time.

My Love-Inspired Life

1st  Decade = Innocence, Trust and Freedom  (ages 0-10)
2nd Decade = Learning and Serving the Needs of People (ages 10-20)
3rd Decade = Creating Marriage, Family and Social Norms (ages 20-30)
4th Decade = Exploring Visioning, Teaching and Counseling (ages 30-40)
5th Decade = Learning to Forgive, Choose, and Move On in Service (ages 40-50)
6th Decade = Freedom to Serve as I am called, Creating Holistic Centers (ages 50-60)
7th Decade = Integrating Service to Family & Humanity, Leadership with Vision (60-70)
8th Decade = Teaching, Modeling and Inspiring Love, Trust and Freedom for all (70+)

I AM here only to be truly helpful.
I AM here to represent the Love that sent me.
I do no have to worry about what to say or do
Because the Love that sent me does direct me.
I am content to be where Love wishes,
Knowing that Love goes there with me.
I am healed as I let Love teach me to heal.
From A Course in Miracles.

I am here to serve, as I am called.
I am here to present again the Love within guiding me.
I don’t worry or fear about where or how to be, because Love is always guiding me.
I am truly happy being and doing as I am guided because Love is within me.
I remember my Holiness and Wholeness as Love within sees only Wholeness and Holiness.

(My interpretation of this healing prayer.)