Sunday, April 06, 2014

Follow Your Vision

On Retreat/ Sabbatical in Kona, Hawaii until April 10th, our 29th spiritual anniversary.
With granddaughter Lila’s Horse Camp and Lake House 9th Birthday Party sleep over on 11th and 12th.
At our Unity Center for Inspired Living in Brentwood on Sunday, 13th for service and a Life Purpose workshop in Brentwood.
Reunion Center and Unity with clients and Success Workshop in Pleasant Hill on Monday 14th.
Positive Living Center on Tuesday 15th with clients and new staff member Maggie Raintree, MFT.
Loving here, Loving there, Loving wherever I am and we are sharing Love!
Betty Lue

I always receive more Good than I expect.
I appreciate and celebrate All the Good I have.
I enjoy the gift of Joy and Love I AM.
I freely share only Good and know Goodness expands exponentially.

The Spring time, Aries fire sign, for inspiration and vision may be calling you.
Whether in dreams, spiritual inspiration, a passion or deep desire, long held hope, you are being called.
When we listen to the call, we hear and feel it in our words, our heart, our ideas and inner vision.
Dare to take even one small step in the direction of your calling and you will find the support.

Dare, do and be silent.
Dare to dream.
Do what it takes.
Be quiet and allow.

Life often gives us inspiration in our youth.
Life shows us what we can do one time or many.
Life gives us the natural gifts to start the seeds.
We must observe and believe, listen and follow through.

Children and youth and families are my passion.
When educational institutions seemed too slow and stuck as a school psychologist, I chose the path of marriage and family therapy, founding  22 holistic counseling, healing and personal growth centers for individuals, couples, families and children, teaching spiritual principles and practical application, ministering to those who wanted the joy and peace of giving, mentoring hundreds of holistic practitioners..
Many paths and many functions, all supporting my mission of inspiring, facilitating and encouraging the highest potential in all I encounter.
I began as a youth, teaching and caring for kids, supporting busy Moms, teaching positive parenting in junior colleges, working with the mentally and physically challenged, loving all ages and abilities the best I knew.
As I have wanted more from us all and for us all, I realized by working together we can create a better world. Together we can do it.
We can change our world for the better, one child, one person, one family, one business at a time.

I envision a Positive Living Center in Middletown, CA.
I see a “We Can Do It!” Center for Youth and Families, Individuals and Couples.
I see us working together to create a multigenerational space where all serve all naturally.
I see the space being open, light, trusting and freeing, daring and doing what it right and true.
I see everyone easily and quickly learning to forgive and heal the past to reveal a powerful present.

The motto: YOU CAN DO IT!
Every one will be heard and affirmed.
All will learn to listen within and trust.
Each one’s dreams will be appreciated and valued.

Those who are called will vision, plan, do and celebrate together.
We will trust and free ourselves and others to be, do, have and give our best.
All will notice and appreciate the difference we are making.
We will share our truth, our vision, our ideas and our gifts.

What do you really want to be and do and have and give?
What is your passion and purpose, your path and your gifts?
Where are you called to love and to serve, to value and appreciate?
What is your way to live and join, to fully actualize the Self in You?

What ever your calling, your purpose and mission. We are here to say YES!
I am here for you, just as I know you are here for me.
All the good you do will come back to you.
So let’s go for it!
Betty Lue

Are you happy doing what you are doing in life?
Are you happy having what you have in life?
Are you happy being who you are in life?
Are you happy giving all you give in life?

Life is so good.
Life is so fun.

Life is an easy place to live.