Sunday, July 01, 2012

Stuck or Surrendered?

Have you given up on ever being happy?
Have you quit on creating your ideal relationship?
Have you lost interest in succeeding in life?
Have you stopped trying to please others?

Are you stuck in judging yourself and your success?
Are you caught in endless comparison and envy?
Are you continually trying to figure out “Why not you?”
Are you forever complaining, criticizing and feeling sorry for yourself?

Is life worth living?
Are your children, parents, friends and partners worth loving?
Are you giving your all to living your life well?
Do you believe you can improve on fulfilling your promise?

Are you moving, changing flowing with whatever life brings?
Are you stuck in doing your duty and obligations and never inviting novelty?
Are you free to change your mind, to choose a better way to eat, relate and appreciate?
Do you get us each morning wishing you could stay in bed or excited about what a new day brings?

Getting caught in endless judgment, criticism and fear is the fastest way to sink a ship.
Consider what focusing on the bad stuff does?
It brings you down emotionally, mentally and physically and you sink fast.
If you want to get moving in a positive direction, take a look at how you can improve your life!

Begin by becoming aware, acknowledging mistakes and letting them go with gratitude.
See what is in your thoughts, your words, activities, relationships and all around you.
Be honest with yourself about your mistakes, missed opportunities, incompletions.
Forgive yourself for betraying, neglecting, blaming anyone including yourself.

Listen within when you mind is quiet and you have connected with your heart of desire.
Listen and write what you really want for your whole life.
Be absolutely honest and impeccable.
Make it only about you, not about controlling anyone else or trying to change them.

Affirm and say “YES”, and not “Yes, But”!
Make sure you are clear, “I am open and willing to receive This or something better!”
Let your demands, threats and pleading be dissolved into trusting when you are ready, it will come.
Make yourself ready to receive all Good and Only Good.

Be appreciative that what you have asked for is coming to you now.
As you clear your vision, you will see what is already there.
As you erase you doubts, you will discover your faith.
As you forgive your self denial, you will notice you are deserving.

Thus you relinquish, attack, denial, blame, guilt and shame.
You recognize what is best for you is a gift to others.
A happy man/woman bring gifts of gratitude and joy to all,

Loving you with joy and gratitude, 
Betty Lue