Tuesday, March 06, 2012

A Time for Everything

There are seasons for everything.  
Seasons in life as we grow and change.
Seasons to prepare, to plant, to nurture,  to harvest.
Time to complete and time to begin again.

Where are you in the process of your life?
Rhythms changes in our physiology and emotions and our energy and….
Sometimes we are pushing when we need to wait.
Sometimes we are going straight instead of moving around obstacles.

When we neglect being sensitive to what is, we force and try to make things happen our way.
When we decide what we have to do and have, we push for an outcome that no longer serves us.
When we forget to listen within, we may miss the still small voice and intuition that guides us.
Prayer, inner listening, meditation, being clear is key to know what is in the best interest of all.

Life is in constant flux with billions of natural and unnatural changes happening every moment.
In order to respond in a healthy way we need to flow around obstacles and release required results.
The more fearful we are, the more stuck and defensive we get about our position.
The more trusting we are, the more willing and open we are to let go and choose again.

Flexibility and resilience are key to ease and success in life.
Peace and happiness are my definitions of ease and success.
We can choose to be peaceful, by release our demands and expectations.
We can choose to be happy, by forgiving judgments and choosing gratitude for all things.

What if now is the time to be peaceful and happy.
What if you are always at choice.
What if you can control your ease and success.
What if your choice for peace and happiness are the greatest blessing you have for everyone everywhere.

There is a time for everything.
There is a time for learning and growth.
There is a time for healing and renewal.
There is a time for play and creativity.
There is a time for work and productivity.
There is a time for being alone and for being together.
When we allow it all to be peaceful and happy, we are whole.

And so it is that I am enjoying the continued changes in my life and yours.
I appreciate and bless what is as we allow ourselves to love and remember our wholeness.

Loving you,  
Betty Lue