Saturday, November 05, 2011

Significant Times

Are there significant times like ll/ll/ll?
Are there special people in our lives?
Are there transformational experiences?
Are there extraordinary acts of courage?

Yes, there are many moments in history and in our lifetimes, when we wake up and change happens.
There are people who come into our lives and with a word or look or action seem to change everything.
There are those events, relationships and situations that seem to bring clarity, meaning and  purpose.
And we have the opportunity to realize there is something more to life than the mundane.

Where are you stuck in unconscious routine?
What demeaning or destructive habits do you have?
What thoughtless words do you express to others?
When do you allow yourself to conform with others?

Is this a time of darkness, despair  and depression in you?
And when you are desperate, do you seek the Light?
Is this a time when our world, our family and friends need encouragement?
Do you think, speak and behave in light-filled, encouraging and faithful ways?

Will you pray in your own way?
Can you forgive with love and gratitude?
Are you willing to trust in the highest outcome?
Will you bring the Light of hope and faith and courage?

In challenging times, it is best to step out with courage and contribute to the solution.
In dark times, it is helpful to bring the light of gratitude and blessings for all.
In times of conflict, it is helpful to be the peacemaker, peace prayer, peacekeeper.
In times of lack and loss, pain and suffering, it is time to contribute comfort, assurance and trust.

Yes, you and I are the ones who can give, and forgive and reach out with love.
We can offer rest for the weary, food for the hungry and  comfort to the suffering.
We can offer education to the ignorant, inspiration to the discouragement and strength to the weak.
We can pray for the faithless, vision to the sightless and safety to the fearful.

Giving to others requires that we take impeccable care of ourselves in every way.
Being our best physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually is key to being helpful.
And as we give to ourselves in the highest and best ways, we are teaching and reaching others.
During significant times, we must make significant changes for the best for all.

Simply ask inside your heart and mind what you can do to be the best you can be?
Take inventory of what will allow your whole life to be blessed and a blessing to all.
Look at the part you play to awaken, lift up, inspire, demonstrate and lead others.
Realize you are making a positive difference with everything you do for the Good of All.

Loving you,  
Betty Lue

This will help yourself and others to remember.  
Take one step at a time and you will see the difference in you and around you.
Practice going where you want to go, rather than focused on where you have been.
Love you well today!!
Twelve Daily Steps To Optimistic Living
1. Focus on my successes rather than on my failures.
2. Notice that which I have accomplished rather than that which I’ve left undone.
3. See and acknowledge my beauty rather than focusing on my imperfections.
4. Notice and acknowledge all the times I’ve followed the optimum conditions,rather than judging myself for the times I have not.
5. Acknowledge all my wins each and every day.
6. Create and maintain an environment that nurtures me.
7.  See problems as opportunities to learn from rather than as obstacles to avoid.
8.  Tell the whole truth on a moment to moment basis in order to maintain impeccable and loving relationships.
9. Be conscious every moment to put positive thoughts into my mind rather than negative, knowing all thoughts are creative.
10.  Appreciate my feelings as a means of understanding myself, thus directing and creating my reality.
11. Continue to forgive myself and others as a means of creating a state of Grace.
12. Fill my life with joy and ecstasy by practicing daily the art and skill of verbally expressing my gratitude for all that I have.