Saturday, October 08, 2011

Consciousness and Forgiveness

Whose turn is it anyway?
Why do I always have to go last?
Can’t I have my way just once?
Hey!  You don’t play fair!
(Our grandchildren, twins 6 yrs and brother almost 5 yrs. are with us for 2 days.)

These are immature and unconscious reactions to a world that is ignorant or very young.
Yes, many of us find ourselves thinking if not asking why we always must be the one to forgive.
And here we are in a world that seems to have forgotten dignity, self-respect, nobility, generosity.
When we associate with rude, crude and moody behavior and language, we may join in.

Ask yourself: Are you always polite and respectful to others?
Do you know how to step back and let love lead the way?
Are you willing to forgive and forget, so you never have regret?
Can you imagine what life would be if you always gave your best?

“Whatever someone asks of you, do it unless it does harm to them or to you.” ACIM
When we ask a conscious Being for something, they always say YES, unless it creates guilt or regret.
When we ask a selfish being for help, they always say NO, unless they get something out of it for themselves.
When we ask an innocent child for help, they always are willing until they learn from the adults to say NO.

When you are asked, what do you think to yourself?
I think “How can I respond in a loving way?”
And I have noticed, In saying Yes, there is always a way to be truly helpful.
It is only when I am feeling lost, scared or needy that I cannot honestly be generous and giving.
And when I am lost or needy, it means I need to forgive myself for forgetting to care for me.
I need to return to a state of wholeness, happiness and abundant well-being.

Forgiveness is the key for me.
I forgive myself for forgetting there is an abundant Source within me.
I am here to be helpful and be loving and giving.
My joy is in freely and fully giving.
Having rests on giving.
The more I give, the more I have.
It is in giving that we receive.
Life is for giving.
It is in giving my whole Self, that I fully recognize my wholeness, my abundance and my Goodness.

Every one can give.  
Even those with little financially, can give in work and loving services.
Even those with little physically, can give with blessings and prayer.
Even those far away and unavailable, can give with gratitude and inspired words.
If you are reading this email, You are the One.
If you are awake, You are the One.
If you have hope for our future, You are the One.
If you want to make a difference, You are the One.

Here to remind humanity to Give with respect and Loving  Kindness to all.
When we can honestly give without expecting return, we receive abundant joy and inspiration.
Unconditional loving and giving will open the flow to an abundant world of generosity and Joy.
Loving you, in loving you and everyone else, too.
Betty Lue