Thursday, May 19, 2011

Change and Commitment

Yes, this was written for you and for me and for all who choose to see it and find it helpful!  Betty Lue

Are you committed to giving your best?
Are you committed to living in integrity?
Are you committed to behaving in a respectful manner with everyone.
Are you committed to keeping your agreements?
Are you committed to your marriage vows?
Are you committed to do no harm?
Are you committed to taking good care of yourself?
Are you committed to being honest and open?

Whatever we have committed to and promised and agreed on is subject to change.We all have made promises we have not kept.
We have made agreements that were not highest and best for us.
We have lied or withheld accuracy in order to protect others and ourselves from harm.
We have killed insects or hurt another’s feelings.
We may not have kept our marriage vows.
We may have neglected to keep ourselves out of harms way emotionally or physically.
We may not always have given our best and allowed emotional negativity to take over.

The key is to be as honest as we can in the moment about our commitments and agreements.
In this world of constant change in personalities, economics, health and emotional lability, we change.
When we can acknowledge our changes in agreements and promises, we can help others respond.
When we are unconscious, we do not let others know and they may be reactive.

Reaction comes from hurt, often covered in anger.
Response comes from love, uncovered with forgiveness.We react when we are not prepared and feel blind-sided, deceived or betrayed.
We respond when we love unconditionally and trust and free others to do their best.

Often my sharing is Divine Love is unconditional and based on Trust and Freedom.I see it as learning to Love as God loves.
It appears that when we are conscious, we know people change their minds.
We know when we remember that people have journeys, choices and life purposes different than ours.

When we love unconditionally…

We give our best.
We keep our agreements.
We make no assumptions.
We tell the Truth the best we know it.

And we also become aware. ….That our best may not be judged as good enough.
That agreements for the good of all may change over time.
That we cannot know what to expect and certainly need to hear, see and intuit what is true.
That our Truth (our Perception of circumstances) will not be the same as others, because we each see through our own filters, beliefs, values and emotional needs.

Life as it flows changes everyday.

When we love ourselves well, we flow with the changes.
( the only thing we can count on is change)

When we love ourselves well, we respond with forgiveness and Love to all changes.
When we love ourselves well, we do not allow another’s choices and changes to hurt us.
When we love ourselves well, we trust everyone to do the best they know and we free them to be.
Let us Love ourselves well.

Let us let go and let God and let Good be.
Hanging on hurts like Hell.
Letting us all be who we are and knowing we will all eventually return to LOVE>
Betty Lue

¤      I love you      ¤
and I know you love me too.


The freedom for you and I to be who we are.
The freedom to live life as we do.
The freedom to make mistakes and learn from them.
The freedom to express our own truth as we see it.


The trust that there is a constant flow of love,
no matter what.
The trust that, in spite of life’s problems,
we believe in and support each other’s right
to live as we choose.
The trust that in adversity,
there is healing and learning and gifts of love.
The trust that under conflict and emotional expression,
there is love

I love you and I trust you.
I free you to be all you are.

Betty Lue 1978