Tuesday, April 05, 2011

Change Opens Flow and Inspires Healing!

Where we get stuck, we are not fully alive.
Where we judge, we stop the flow.
When we are afraid, we contract the flow.
When we condemn or block flow, we limit healing.

Moving energy opens flow.
Trusting what is frees fear.
Letting go of judgments clears the blocks.
Allowing Love and good to flow supports the return to wholeness.

We can heal body, mind, relationships, finances and difficult situations by opening the flow of honest communication, understanding and peace, love and compassion, willingness and forgiveness.
When we are sure of our rightness (righteousness), blaming others or ourselves, attached to getting our way or simply afraid of the outcome, we are blocking the natural flow of creativity, open-mindedness, freedom to express and trust in a positive outcome for all.
When we remember that our way may be different than others and respect the rights of everyone to choose for themselves, we become flexible, resilient and trusting.
Life works because the flow of positive and peaceful energy is open.

Consider where you are stuck.
Let go of believing there are no alternative.
Forgive your judgment of yourself and others.
Undo limiting beliefs and open to consider options.

When we are clear negativity, fear and fixed opinions, we can see the light of many possibilities.
When we consider what might work more effectively and listen to ideas, creative solutions emerge.
When we allow our minds to expand with freedom and trust, the flow of win/win solutions begins.
When we realize we can change whatever does not work, we are happy and free to choose anew.

We are moving this weekend to a town house in Pleasant Hill and selling our Rio Vista home.
By changing where and how we live, we are giving ourselves more time and energy to do what we love.
We let go easily when circumstances change, being flexibly and creative in life.
We have learned the ego mind can become stuck and attached to people, places and things, preventing a natural flow with the ever-changing nature of life.

We have been driving 16 hours weekly from Rio Vista to Pleasant Hill, Brentwood, Alameda and Petaluma and Lake County.
By moving closer to our Pleasant Hill Reunion Center, we will cut our commute hours to 10 hrs. weekly.
The 24 hours saved each month allows for more time at home to write, exercise, edit the four books already written preparing them for printing,  and create our Lake House retreats and other programs.
The freedom of choice is ours to do what works for the Good of all.
While many get attached to their homes, their routines, their lifestyle, there is an energizing aspect to change.

Change is creative.
Change is natural.
Change is responsive.
Change meets current needs.
Change inspires me to do what I love and love what I do.
I am inspired by change.

Respecting All Our Changes individually and collectively,
Betty Lue