Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Your Story

What is your life story?
If you were to describe the life you have created, what would it be?
If you were to write an autobiography or a movie about your life, what would be your title?
If you were to choose for the memories people hold about you, what would be their description?

We are all writing and directing and starring in our own movie.
Most of us have preferred to hand over the responsibility or blame to our parents or God or fate.
Rather than realize we have chosen to co-create our experience as well as our expression, we hand over the authority to others.
It takes courage to acknowledge we are choosing, often unconsciously, how we live and love.

Is your life one of tragedy and drama?
Is your life one of  service and devotion
Have you chosen a life of accomplishment and contribution?
Are you living a life of success and satisfaction?
Have you created a life of beauty and beneficence?
Are you inspired by your life of travel and adventure?
Are you in a life of healing and transformation?
Have you co-created a life of learning and letting go?

How would you describe your life as it has been, with cycles and season, changes and choices?
Remember at any time, you can forgive, erase the past and choose again for what you want today.
Recognize there is nothing to judge, no one to blame and simply use all of it for Good.
We are the choosers for exactly how we experience and express our journey though this life.

Even though my life has had plenty of life/death experiences, loss and pain, changes and miracles, I recognize that how I see my life is truly Fun, safe and easy, simply because I listen within and follow!

How you remember or describe your life is what it will be for you.
So choose to see, feel and know the story of your life, exactly as you want it to be.
You make it so.

Blessings of love, trust and gratitude for all of us,
Betty Lue