Wednesday, March 02, 2011

For Goodness Sake

Give yourself to Being Good.
Give Your Self to Doing Good.
Give Your Self to Having Good.
In this you will realize the fulfillment and ultimate Good in You!

If God is Good all the time, are we not here to be Good all the Time?
In this we are becoming more of what we seek to be and do and have….all the time.
When your life is all Good, you know you are holding only Goodness in your Heart and Mind.
Goodness created us to be Good, to do Good and to have Good…Let us remember this!

Love Good with all your heart and mind and soul.
This is the first commandment of the Church of Living Goodness.
Be Good to your neighbor, as you want him to be Good to you.
In this we are living the principle of Goodness and creating a world of Good.

Be Goodness in all things.
Celebrate Good. Praise Good.  Be devoted to Good.
Remember what you give attention to, grows.
Give your life to Good.

Have we so separated ourselves from the Truth by calling it God, that we in our humanness have forgotten how basic and simple living a Good and Godly life can be?
Do we not see we are here to focus only on Goodness in ourselves and in our world?  
What we focus on grows and increases.
When we focus on sin and error, we increase them in our minds and in our world.
When we focus on sickness and death, we encourage and increase them in our experience.
When we focus on lack and limitation, we feel more lack and limitation.

See no evil.  Speak no evil.  Do no evil.
The wisdom of this admonition is that it extinguishes evil in us and our creations.
See only Good. Speak only Good. Do only Good.
This wisdom of this affirmation is to increase the Good we seek to be and see in all.

A life of Living Goodness is what we are called to create, affirm, celebrate and enjoy.
A life of being Good for Goodness sake is our purpose in being.
It is in being and doing and having Good that we are truly happy and content.
It is in remembering our essential Goodness that we come to peace and fulfillment.

Forgive all that is not good in your thoughts, words and actions.
You will realize the gift of Goodness you really are.

Loving our natural state of Goodness,
Betty Lue