Sunday, December 13, 2009

Joy to the World

Friday was spent driving for 8 hrs, plus 8 hrs with grandchildren in Petaluma and 2 hours at our son’s Christmas Oratorio at the Ananda Center in Palo Alto.
Then we drove up to the Reunion Lake House where we put on some finishing touches to our new spiritual  retreat center…thus no reminders emailed Saturday AM.
But here I am writing my talk for this Sunday morning and sharing with you, Dear Ones. Betty Lue

You are what the world is waiting for!

Hope expects Goodness.
Peace promises Goodness
Joy creates Goodness.
Love nurtures Goodness.

For most of our lives we experiment with how the world works and our part in it.
Many let the world tell us what we are to be, our purpose here.
For some, we intend to give the world what we want to be.
And a few simply know we must give what the world needs.

What the world needs now is Hope…the Hope for better times to come.
What the world needs now is Peace…the Peace of Goodness and Mercy.
What the world needs now is Joy…the natural Joy of appreciation for the little things in life.
What the world needs now is Love…sweet Love that brings us together in understanding and Good Will.

Where are you in this equation?
What part are you playing?
How do you bring what you want to see?
What is the cost of leaving your place empty?

You are the bringer of Hope, the piece of God’s Peace, the Light of God’s Joy and the Love  of Goodness that is shared with all creation.
Your part awaits your return, your birth, your willingness to be that which you are created to be.
You are called to give what you see is needed in every relationship and situation.
You are integral to the return to wholeness, the realization of Goodness and Love on Earth.

I have tried many ways to live and love and give.
The tried and true wisdom is that Goodness begins within me.
My holy work and healing work is to expect the Good, to promise the Good, to create Good everywhere and to nurture the Good at all times.
When I stray or forget, when I worry or doubt, when I fret and complain, I leave my part empty.
It is through forgiveness here and now that I clear my mind, my body, my being of all lack of Good.

Joy is the natural state of those who trust.
Joy is natural to those who forgive.
Joy is natural to those who expect miracles of Love.
Joy is natural to children who remember God’s Goodness.

Let this season remind you to play your part.

Be the Hope of a new beginning, a new consciousness and a new world.
Promise the Peace that passes understanding by forgiving all things.
Give the Light of Joy that creates Peace on Earth and Goodwill to All.
Nurture the Love in Yourself to be the Loving Reminders wherever you go whatever you do.

God in Me is Loving You!
Betty Lue