Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Life is Such a Wonderful Gift!

This is a time to celebrate the joys of being fully alive.
This morning I received a heartfelt poem from someone loving her Dad 10 years after his passing.
It was filled with gratitude and joy for the time spent together.
It was deepened by her understanding the Master Plan and how life’s puzzle fits together.

I also received a loving email of understanding and gratitude for the healing work we had done together.
It touched my heart and inspired in me to be honest and true, authentic and revealing in all I do.
It reminded me of how loving with courage is the key to opening the door to healing.
I am deeply grateful to receive these experiences of gratitude and healing for all parts of the One.

When I listen to you, I am listening to me.
When I am sharing with you, I am sharing with me.
When I am caring for you, I am caring for me.
In you I love and care for the One, the Greater One, we all are together.

My life is to celebrate the songs we sing.
My life is to enjoy the mountains we climb.
My life is to share the healing stories we tell.
My life is to learn from the lessons we teach.

When we walk together, through these emails, intimate conversations, or in inspiring groups , I am with you in heart and mind, seeking only and always the best for us all.
Sometimes it may seem as though one knows and the other is unknowing, but really deeper that the conscious mind or our history is the remembrance of all things true and helpful, healing and new.

Sometimes we may forget we are all in this together, each playing our perfect parts, but so it is.
Everyone of us matters.
Your attitude and energy in your home and your work place make a difference.
Each one of us can change the energy wherever we are with those we encounter.

A smile of acknowledgment.
A word of kindness.
A thoughtful deed.
A gift of gratitude.

Everything we think and do and say makes a difference to everyone we meet and to ourselves.
When we see ourselves as helpful, kind, thrifty, reverent, thoughtful, and generous, we feel good.
When we know we are important with our families, friendships and workplace, we honor ourselves.
When we live and give our best in every place at all times, our perceptions of our world change.

Yes, You matter to me.
Your life makes a difference.
Together we are changing our world for the better.
Yes, I a deeply grateful to you.

Blessings of Love,
Betty Lue

Don’t forget!
Life is for giving and You are the Gift.