Sunday, February 23, 2025

Fear or Love?




I choose love today. (Love is respectful, kind and patient.)

I live with faith all things work together for Good.

I delete and forgive all fear in my mind.

I choose thoughts, words and activities of Love.

FEAR = False Expectation Appearing Real.

(FEAR is everything that is not loving.)

What is there to Fear, but Fear Itself?

It is our fear of fear that distorts and deceives us.

It is our misunderstanding of what it that betrays us.

It is our doubting mind that confuses us.

When we listen for the Truth we find it within.

When we learn our co-creative power, we use it wisely.

When we experiment with belief, we realize how it works.

When we understand the “enemy” of faith is fear, we forgive.

There is a time for gathering information and education.

There is a time for understanding what appears to be.

There is a place for learning how to surrender.

There is a way we can see things differently.

All fear is a call for Love.

All fear is a message we have forgotten the Truth.

All fear is claiming we are victims of the world we see.

All fear is false expectations appearing real.

It is time to take back our creative power.

It is time to be the healers of our mind.

It is time to use denial and affirmations.

It is time to be willing to step out in faith.

How can we end this reign of terror by those who are terrified.

How can we stop the injustice when we are unjust to ourselves.

How can we convince ourselves to live with love and forgiveness.

How can we step away from letting doubt and despair lead the way.

It is our work to say “No” to fear.

It is our path to walk away from darkness.

It is our mission to lead us all into the Light.

It is our choice to show the way to forgiveness and Love.

Love heals.

Love inspires.

Love enlightens.

Love delights us to remember always the Good in all things.

Let’s believe in Love.

Love is what we are after.

Love offers harmony, happiness and laughter.

Love is our way Home.

Loving us and all as One,

Betty Lue 

What can you do to heal the fear in yourself, in your community and in the world?
Fear contracts.                        Love expands.
Fear withholds.                       Love shares.
Fear defends.                          Love is open.
Fear judges.                            Love appreciates.
Fear condemns.                      Love forgives.
Fear separates.                        Love joins.
Fear acts out.                          Love responds.
Fear withdraws.                      Love reaches out.
Fear shuts down.                    Love opens up.
Fear argues.                            Love listens.                 
Fear excludes.                        Love includes.
Fear worries.                          Love blesses.
Fear justifies.                          Love trusts.         
Fear is stingy.                         Love is generous.
Fear is pushy.                          Love is patient.     
Fear can be cruel.                    Love is kind.        
Fear is suspicious.                   Love trusts.
Fear demands.                         Love guides.        
Fear cowers.                            Love is courageous.
Fear takes care of  its own.      Love is helpful to all.
Fear distorts our thinking.        Love sees clearly. 
Fear speaks of wrongs.            Love speaks of value.

Often fear makes us sick at heart and sick in body.
Often fear shuts down our ability to think, feel and act for Good.
Often fear limits our healthy appropriate responses.
Each of us is called to manage, forgive, heal and release the fear in our lives.
What can you do to handle your fear and to help others with theirs? 

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Listen To What You Are Saying!




I honor others by speaking with respect and kindness.

I listen and receive messages I share.

Everything I teach is a loving reminder for me.

I speak with integrity, encouragement and Love.

Listen To What You Are Saying!

Everything you say is your teaching.

Everything you say is what you need to hear.

Everything you say is your message to your world.

Everything you say is what you want others to know about you.

Words create long lasting impressions.

Words hold the truth about what you think of you.

Words demonstrate what you profess to be your truth.

Words cannot be taken back once they are said.

Be careful with your language.

Stop vulgarity, name-calling, shaming and belittling.

Stop using your words to attack or make others wrong.

Stop treating others as you don’t want to be treated.

The words you use can heal or hurt.

The language you use can inspire or offend.

The truths you tell can bless or curse.

The speech you use can create or destroy.

Every person we encounter is an opportunity to teach.

Every relationship is a chance to make amends.

Every work we do is a way we can make life better.

Every moment we can use our words to create what we really want.

The habits of our mind create the habits of our mouth.

When we use our mouth for vulgarity, we make ourselves sick.

When we use our mouth for kindness, we make ourselves well.

When we use our words to inspire, encourage and appreciate, we make everyone better.

Think before you speak.

Take pause before you criticize.

Hold your tongue before you hurt someone.

Better to say nothing than to be wrong.

Remember the adage:

If you cannot say something kind, say nothing at all.

Better to be silent than to speak from emotion.

Better to listen than to speak falsely.

Speaking from emotion distort your perception.

Drama escalates and exaggerates.

Negative creates more negative.

Nothing is accomplished through using fighting words.

Your words matter.

Say what will make a positive difference.

Speak with respect and kindness.

Say what will be helpful.

Loving you with my written and spoken words,

Betty Lue

Forgive  your mistakes and choose for a better way!

Friday, February 21, 2025

Make A Difference!




Every day in every way I make a difference.

I use my life to make my world a better place.

I trust myself to be a blessing wherever I Am.

I give my best to everyone in every encounter.

You Make a Difference!

We can fill each other with goodness.

We can drain each other with criticism.

We can change our world with kindness.

We can damage our world with meanness.

Every one of us is making a difference.

The more conscious we are, the more influence we have.

The more ignorant we are, the more we can hurt others.

It requires listening to our conscience consistently to make our world a better place.

We can improve our lives with more inspiration.

We can better our minds with more education.

We can strengthen our bodies with better nutrition.

We can enhance our relationships with more forgiveness.

We can improve our quality of life with more focus and care.

We can prosper our finances with more saving and less spending.

We can change our home with conscientious attention.

We can increase our well-being with choice and commitment.

We have the tools we need, when we are responsible for their use.

We have the ability to better ourselves and others.

We have the awareness to change what we can change.

We have the clarity to listen to what we think and say and do.

All of us have the power tools for success.

Each one of us can make the difference in our own lives.

Everyone has access to what will work to experience improvement.

Life is about using what we have for never-ending and constant improvement.

We are here to make a difference.

We are here to do more than to get more.

We are here to do more than to just talk.

We are here give more than we are given to.

Life is our experimental laboratory to see what works for us and all.

When we are awake and aware, we can see what is working daily.

When we are sleeping on the job, we neglect and forget to tend to our lives.

Our life is of great value, when we value the life we are given.

Use each daily well and you will be well.

Spend each moment wisely and you will gain in wisdom.

Live each moment consciously and you will attain a higher state of consciousness.

Contribute all you have, and you will experience true prosperity.

Be the difference you want to see.

I am loving you in making a difference for all of us!

Betty Lue