Thursday, May 15, 2014

Do You Know What You Want?

I trust the choices I make.
I am responsible for my own happiness and well-being.
I believe in myself and learn from the experiences I have.
I know what I want and I go for it easily and freely.

Are you holding your ideas in your mind?
Do you write down what you believe?
Are you sure that you can say what is true?
Do you trust what you know and choose?

It seems many are so busy talking, they never listen to themselves.
I see people changing their choices without regard to others.
I realize people don’t  always tell others they are changing.
So what does anyone really believe or trust?

With so many changes in the external world, we need to claim our own truth.
With the variety of possibilities, it is important that people make their own choices.
Experimenting with what we believe is valuable and we need to explore until we know.
When we know what is real and true and right for us, it is time to dare to declare.

Going along to get along comes from our “need” to belong.
When we conform or comply in order to fit, we often lose our own integrity.
Without choosing and living what is right for us, we lose our self trust.
When we know we are not confident in our choices, we know we do not trust ourselves..

How do you know what you want?
What are the clues you can use to be true to you?
What principles do you follow in making the best decisions?
How do you claim what is your truth and your self trust?

Often folks follow the crowd.
Often people choose a teacher, a preacher a book to make their own way.
Hopefully you are using these loving reminders to encourage you to think for yourself.
Ideally you will write down your own answers to the questions you ask.

Life is for learning what is our own way.
Life is full of classes and lessons and opportunities.
When we are open-minded, we try out what we think we want.
When it feels right, we say YES and when not, ideally we choose again.

Do you spend your money wisely?
Do you talk about what inspires and encourages you?
Do you use your time to create more Goodness and Health for yourself?
Do you take impeccable care of yourself, your family, your home and work?

Are you willing to be entirely responsible for the choices you make?
When you pay attention to what you say and do you, will see what is right for you.
When you hear your own inner voice, your conscience or inner guide, you can feel what is true.
Now it the time to listen, learn and trust in the inner Real You.

Loving us all in learning from everything we choose,
Betty Lue

Those Who Know

To “know” is to “love”. For when we fully know, we have an experience of acceptance, understanding, trust and love.

In working with this list of levels of consciousness, we can easily substitute “love” for “know”. Perhaps, for some, this will simplify and clarify where you are in your own unfoldment process.

· Those who don’t know and don’t know they don’t know.
· Those who don’t know and don’t care.
· Those who don’t know and don’t want to know.
· Those who don’t know and wish they did.
· Those who don’t know and seek to know.
· Those who are coming to know.
· Those who know and are afraid of what they know.
· Those who know and are afraid they don’t.
· Those who know and hold back what they know.
· Those who know and share what they know in order to know.
· Those who know and know they know quietly.
· Those who are what they know.

or with substitution:

· Those who don’t love and don’t know they don’t love.
· Those who don’t love and don’t care.
· Those who don’t love and don’t want to love.
· Those who don’t love and wish they did.
· Those who don’t love and seek to love.
· Those who are coming to Love.
· Those who Love and are afraid of Love.
· Those who Love and are afraid they don’t.
· Those who Love and hold back their Love.
· Those who Love and share Love to realize their Love.
· Those who Love and share Love quietly.

· Those who are Love.