Sunday, April 29, 2012

Forgiveness Makes All Things New

Forgiveness is an eraser filled with Love.
When you have truly forgiven, you begin anew.
When we seek a new perception, we must forgive.
When we want a renewed outlook, we must change our mind.

To change the channel is to stop looking at what was.
To change our mind is to erase the past.
To change our perception is to forgive our judgments.
To change our choices, we must bless what was previously chosen.

Forgiveness is the gift of Spirit to see all things with new eyes.
Forgiveness is the gift we claim when we are willing to see a new earth.
Forgiveness is the gift to ourselves to open our minds to infinite possibilities.
Forgiveness is the gift of cleansing and purification to be renewed in Spirit and in Truth.

Love makes all things new.
Joy makes all things new.
Peace makes all things new.
Seeing Goodness brings new revelations and new opportunities.

When we see with forgiving eyes, we behold healingLight.
When we know only Light, we see only Light.
When we know only Love, we see only Love.
Those who forgive all things, step forward in faith and experience the Good of Holiness.

What would it take for you to see each day as the first day of the rest of your life?
How can you see your relationships brand new each day with no history?
What can you do to step away from the past and see yourself in a new Light?
What is your renewed vision for your Self and and your whole life?

Are you willing to lay the past aside?
Are you willing to erase all mistakes?
Are you willing to look forward instead of back?
Are you willing to be a love seeker instead of a fault finder?

Seek first the Kingdom of Good and all these things will be added unto you.
Give your life to what is already yours and relinquish the mistakes of this world.
Let go and your will know the Love of God in all things.
Stop seeking why it happened and start creating Goodness right now.

God is All.
Goodness already and always Is.
You are Good.
You are God in drag,
All thoughts create.
Undo what is not wholly true and wholly loving with forgiveness now.
Remember always and only what is good and true and Loving.
Allow your mind to be a servant to your Goodness and Holiness.
Live everyday the Good and Godly way.
It is always fun, safe and easy.

Listen within for how to begin.
Do it now.
Your life will be made new instantly.
You will see.

Loving you as we renew ourselves and our perception of our world,
Betty Lue

Forgiveness is the Key to Happiness and Inner Peace
Every morning and every night, say this prayer:
I forgive everything and everyone, every experience and every memory of the past and present that needs forgiveness.
I forgive positively everyone.

God is Love.
I am forgiven and governed by God’s Love alone.
God’s Love is now harmonizing my life and its problems.
Realizing this, I abide in peace.

I am now forgiven by everything and everyone of the past and present that needs to forgive me.
I know that forgiveness unblocks whatever stands between me and my good.

I am grateful for the power of God’s Word.