Saturday, February 18, 2012

Love is Freedom and Trust

Love is Freedom and Trust
Love Is Letting Go of Fear and Doubt

Are you ready to Love you?
Are you willing to Love everyone?
Are you able to Love all the time?
Do you free and trust yourself to be Love?

With your special “loved ones”, do you remember to Love them all the time?
When you withhold your Love, do you doubt their choices and fear they will get hurt?
Have you been thinking your fears, doubts, judgments, restrictions and suspicions are Loving?
Do you see the possibility that when you fear, you are blocking your Love?

Can you imagine the ways of human love are often opposite of Spiritual Love?

Human love often makes one or a few people special to love.
God Love or Universal Love loves everyone equally all the time.
Human love often engenders worry, concern and setting limitations.
Spiritual Love trusts in the “right outcome” or what is best for All.
Human Love often has opinions about what others should do or be.
Higher Love frees others to live and learn and love in their own way.

Are you willing to free yourself to be true to your own values and inner guidance?
Are you willing to trust your inner voice, intuition and principles?
Are you willing to love yourself enough to believe in yourself always?
Are you willing to let go of seeking others’ opinions and approval?

When we become Self-remembering and reflective, we access our inner voice.
When we have a quiet mind and can hear our inner voice, we are guided to Love.
When we are guided to be Love and give Love, we have perfect Trust.
When we experience Perfect Trust, we are willing to listen and follow our inner Voice.

When we are Self-forgetting and listen to others, we ignore our inner Truth.
When we have a mind full of others’ doubts, fears and judgments, we are filled with fear and doubt.
When are guided by restriction and worry, we lose awareness of Love and live with fear.
When we are afraid of our world, we may defend, isolate, attack and teach limitation and suspicion.

To let go of fear opens us to our natural innocent state of Love.
To let go of limitation frees us to live our life purpose with gratitude and joy.
To let go of making mistakes opens us to freely express ourselves.
To let go of judging others sets us free to trust and Love.

We are at choice to love or fear.
We are at choice to free or limit.
We are at choice to give or withhold.
We are at choice to forgive or condemn.

Our choice is obvious.
Love, Free, give and forgive all.
¤      I love you      ¤
and I know you love me too.
The freedom for you and I to be who we are.
The freedom to live life as we do.
The freedom to make mistakes and learn from them.
The freedom to express our own truth as we see it.

The trust that there is a constant flow of love, 
no matter what.
The trust that, in spite of life’s problems, 
we believe in and support each other’s right 
to live as we choose.
The trust that in adversity, 
there is healing and learning and gifts of love.
The trust that under conflict and emotional expression,
there is love

I love you and I trust you.
I free you to be all you are.

Betty Lue 1978