Saturday, September 24, 2011


People seem to think “chance” is what makes or takes away the quality of your life.
They seem to believe things happen “accidentally “rather than “on purpose”.
People often give credit to themselves and blame others for their “luck” in life.
Are you willing to consider that you and your thoughts are accountable for your life experience?

When you keep having the same experience over and over, it is time to change your mind.
When you keep being disappointed or disillusioned, it is time to wake up and become more aware.
When you keep feeling lied to and betrayed, it is time to become a safe and trusting place for all.
When you keep having a physical experience, it is time to listen to the messages you are getting.

There seems to be a story told that we can defend against and avoid having what we have.
There seems to be a myth that we are victims of the world’s evils and must suffer at their effect.
There seems to be a belief that we are objects of attack without first attacking in some way.
There seems to be a theory that sometimes we can forgive the other without forgiving ourselves.

Successful relationships are created when we take full response-ability for everything that happens.
Successful living occurs when we own our experience and learn to respond to everything with love.
Successful people are those who prosper because they give freely and joyously to others Good. 
Successful people understand and accept that everyone is here to learn and find a better way to live.
Sometimes I see how “successful” I Am and want to encourage, help, teach and facilitate others to feel and think and act and live successful lives too.  
Then I realize that others see success differently.  
I cannot really be truly successful until we all are at choice and choosing the highest and best for ourselves; 
Happy, healthy, creative and fulfilled in our life journey of loving All, including ourselves. 

I recognize that each one is in their own stage of development. 
Some are attached to winning.  
Some are focused on healing the past.  
Some are fixated on getting others to do it “right”. 
Some just want everything to be their definition of “perfect”.  
Some are trying to get revenge or retribution.  
Some are here to serve and give.  
Some are just out for themselves.  
Some are trying to get as many toys and as much pleasure as possible.  
Some are avoiding pain.
Some are trying to make others happy.  
Some are caught in the addictions of numbing the pain.  
Some feel helpless, hopeless and lost and are waiting for a rescuer or savior.  
Some are judging and criticizing others, but denying their own needed corrections.
Some want to be their best and don’t care about the rest.
All may be on the path of self discovery, successful living and fulfillment.

It seems the only way out is through or around the obstacles.
But if we could forgive, erase the clouds of faulty thinking, we would see the way to success is by thinking, acting and speaking in a focused way that yields the goals we want.
When we have what we truly want, we are happy, whole and fulfilled.

Our response-ability is to GIVE WHAT WE WANT TO HAVE.
Our response-ability is to LIVE THE WAY WE WANT TO BE.
Our response-ability is to APPRECIATE EVERYTHING WE DO.
Our response-ability is to THINK GOOD THOUGHTS, 
                                                SPEAK GOOD WORDS, AND 
                                                        DO GOOD DEEDS 
                                                                ALWAYS TO EVERYONE!

When we can be what we expect in others, we will be their teacher.
When we can be patient with others learning process and timing, we can be patient with our own.
When we can be kind in our relating to others life choices, we can be more accepting of ours.
When we can love others no matter what as they heal and grow, we can love ourselves as we grow.

Success is an inside job.
Taking full responsibility for our own process and progress is ours alone to do.
To be all that you want to be focus on fully being whole and happy and free.

Loving you and loving me as we all set ourselves free to fully be,
Betty Lue