Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Do You Listen to your Intuition?

When you listen, you will know.
When you follow, you will strengthen.
When you trust, you will learn.
When you respect, you will expand.

Yes, your intuition and inner knowing are always present.
Usually we learn at a young age to listen to the louder external voices.
The less we use intuition, the weaker it becomes in our awareness.
The more we pay attention, the more it expands and directs our choices.

Intuition is the inner awareness, tuning into what is.
Intuition let us know we are all connected.
Intuition guides us to the safe, fun and easy path.
Whether we call is the voice for God, inner truth or our guides, we all have access.

How do you tell what is true?
Just as a scientist has a hunch, a theorem, choose to test is, experiment and see.
When something doesn’t “feel right”, step back, take another look and check it out.
When something seems “right on” to you, consider the value of going for it and see the result.

It is valuable to notice the difference between fear-based inner guidance and what is simply neutral.
It is important to check the “credentials” of the intuitive information.
Ask, “Where is this coming from?” and “What will be the result if I follow or ignore this?”
When we are warned of dire results, it is usually not a reliable inner Source.

The value of our inner voice is to teach us that we have power beyond our awareness.
We have an ability to communicate with anyone anywhere, even not in a body.
We have the ability to intuit or know what is the best direction for us in each moment.
We can rely on our own inner wisdom and trust our inner guidance.

The more we doubt, question or deny the inner knowledge, the less we hear.
The more we trust, believe and honor the inner knowledge, the more we hear.
As with anything in life, it is our choice to appreciate or deprecate, to affirm or deny.
We can learn to trust and rely on our own inner knowing when we clear our fear.

Begin your quiet times, by asking a simple question.
Listen for the response (or multiple responses) and write them down word for word.
If another question comes to mind, write it down as well and listen again.
Continue until you are complete with the process.
At another time, when you are free from distraction, return to the written material.
Read it aloud to yourself and listen to what you read.
You will know what comes from your inner wisdom, higher self, the voice for Good and what comes from fear.
Celebrate everytime you take the time to listen deeply and sincerely and you will come to know the Good and Wise Guidance of Spirit Within.

Loving you, 

Betty Lue

This is what I do when I write these Loving Reminders for me and you.  Since 1976 I began for myself. In 1999 I was guided to share with you and have been doing ever since now sent to thousands around the world.

Origin of Inner Listening
In 1976 it was suggested I sit and do nothing for just five minutes daily by a spiritual mentor/teacher.  I chose 5AM in the morning and immediately saw/felt and heard a vision of a Home of Infinite Love available to all people.  Over the years,  I have co-created many such Centers and Homes with the guidance of Spirit within. The next morning I brought a pad of paper and a pen to sit, and as I was simply breathing, I knew words were coming into my mind and I wrote them down.  When I later read them, I saw they had great spiritual meaning.  As an innocent, trusting and ‘True Believer’, I then quieted myself every morning and began to follow what I heard within.  My life became fun, safe, easy and miraculous in so many ways.  I learned, forgave and grew spiritually daily from every relationship.  This is was the origin of what I call “inner listening” and have taught to hundreds of willing learners over the last 35 years.

The Origin of emailed Loving RemindersIn the winter of 1998, having just moved back to the Bay Area in California, I asked Spirit within what was my purpose and calling.  I was invited to sit at the computer and write down my daily inner listening and send it to those who requested it of me.  Since Dec, 1998 I have  sat at my keyboard, everyday to write exactly what Spirit within guides.  I do not edit, correct spelling and embellish what I hear.  I simply send what is given to me to share with the now thousands around the world.

This is my inner listening given to all who choose to receive them.  Often it gives people what they need, practical spiritual and inspiring reminders, so they need not spend money on  hours of therapy or endless seeking for spiritual answers.  They seem to awaken and remind individuals who are willing and ready to change their lives for the Good of All.  I also have put many of the reminders into three little books, Loving Reminders, Peaceful Reminders and Relationship Reminders.  There are two other books waiting to be published, Healing and Healthy Reminders.  It is my joy to contribute to the healing and awakening of my spiritual family, all humanity.

May be all be benefited and blessed by every good and kind intention of everyone everywhere.
Blessed be. Betty Lue  “True B’Lue”

Remember: The blessings already are and we are now awakening to enjoy them.