Sunday, January 23, 2011

What Do I Believe? .....

(This morning’s talk at Unity Center for Inspired Living)
You can listen to all our past talks at (under “past talks” in the menu bar.)

Now What Do You Believe?

I believe in Santa Claus, the natural giving nature in all of us.
I believe in nature Spirits, fairies and angels and spiritual energies that serve the Good.
I believe in the power of belief.
I believe in miracles that come from the Love We Are and share.

I believe in Jesus, the man who showed the way to actualization, union with God.
I believe in the Sons and Daughters of God, Goddess the Divine who we really are.
I believe in the spiritual nature, the God and Good within all of us.
I believe we can and do truly love one another under all the misperceptions and fear.

I believe in the essential right of all of us to choose what we believe.
I believe Love is our natural state, created in love, by love, for the purpose of Loving.
I believe in the unlimited abundance of creative possibility in the Universe within.
I believe we have the potential to live a Christ-like life, healing and raising the Dead.

I believe we are making a difference in our lives, expanding consciousness or contracting.
I believe choice is a powerful tool to choose what we want to be and do and have.
I believe we can do whatever we wholly choose and commit to doing.
I believe life is a canvas on which we paint our experience.

I believe we are all doing the best we know.
I believe we can forgive all things and forget the past.
I believe only what is eternal is True and the rest is temporary, which some call illusion.
I believe we have the power to heal all things by forgiving and remembering wholeness.

I believe we have all been together before , so no one is a stranger to us.
I believe life is the game we paly until we wake up to the game we have created.
I believe that to finish this game, all will win and we will celebrate together.
I believe that beyond the reality of form, there is a permanent reality of creative power.

I believe we are here to enjoy learning by awakening to the joy of it all.
I believe we can see, feel , hear and know other dimensions when we are open and willing.
I believe that the Voice of God, inner guidance and direction is available to all of us.
I believe life can be fun, safe and easy when we listen and follow our inner voice, HSpirit.

I believe we are love here to express love to remind all Love is Who and Why we came.

I believe in You.
We are co-creating beauty, goodness and Love on the canvas of Life, for all to behold!
Loving you,  

Betty Lue